Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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Dear All,

I am using Processmaker 3.4.11 on Nginx 1.18.0, PHP version is 7.3.18 and the OS is CentOS 7.8.2003.
The report generator is TCPDF for the output document.
My output documents contain special characters from the French character set.
I have followed instructions from
and even run the tcpdf_addfont.php as instructed but the PDF is always coming blank while the doc file is good.
Is there anything I am missing that need to be configured for Nginx?
I found some Nginx related configuration on
but was not able to spot the styles.php and font.php files.

Please help!

Best regards
Finally some progress, after cleaning up autogenerated HTML tags, now PDF is generated but there is a strange thing happening!

I have a large grid in the output document, in that grid, some fields could be blank, when I use @# prefix to the variable the table gets terminated whenever it encounters the first blank, however, the PDF is generated without error but the table is always incomplete.
On the other hand, if I use @@ prefix it generates all the rows correctly but each field is quoted with double quotes ("), this happens with PDF only, doc output works fine in both the cases with @# and @@

Can someone please help on this on how to generate the PDF document successfully without quotes?

Best regards
You can use this "Office template maker" plugin and easily create your templates in Microsoft Office and call them in your processes and forms:


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