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By jemiris
I have followed the documentation for adding the mask for currency ... rical_Mask. But using that I'm facing some issue I'm trying to enter 100. So I need to type extra two zeros. so that it converts as 100.00.
I need to add the mask after the user enters the field. If the user enters 1200.20. The system should add a comma like this 1,200.20 or give me any other solution.
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By amosbatto
As explained in the documentation, Normandes Junior's mask is designed to do exactly what you want. It adds two decimal numbers and inserts a thousands separator. Are you calling it this way?
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By jemiris
Yes, I'm calling this way. like
But the difficulty is if I want to enter 100. I need to type 10000. So that it calculates as 100.00. Each and every time I need to type extra two zeros. This is difficult while entering more numbers of the amount fields like amount, total and etc..

For single field this functionality accepted but more fields I have to enter for every fields extra two zeros. In that case, it fails :?:

In the 2.0Version it was much easier

Give us the better solution for this.

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