Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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amosbatto wrote:What do you mean by "kicking off the next sub-process"? Starting a new subprocess case? Canceling the master case, but not canceling the subprocess case?

Hello Amos,

Yes. So basically, it is canceling the case, but it still is starting the next sub-process instead of just ending. (since a new case # is given to the next process)
If I have this master process:
[Task1] -> [Subprocess1] -> [Task2]

If I cancel the master case when it is in Task1, then it never reaches Subprocess1 and the subprocess case never starts.

If I cancel the master case when it is waiting for the Subprocess1 case to complete, then I need to cancel both the master case and subprocess case separately.

Are you seeing something different? If so, then post a master process that shows the problem.
amosbatto wrote:If I have this master process:
[Task1] -> [Subprocess1] -> [Task2]

If I cancel the master case when it is in Task1, then it never reaches Subprocess1 and the subprocess case never starts.

If I cancel the master case when it is waiting for the Subprocess1 case to complete, then I need to cancel both the master case and subprocess case separately.

Are you seeing something different? If so, then post a master process that shows the problem.
That is how it should be working, but for some reason is cancels the task, and then moves on to the 2nd subprocess when using the attached case management.

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