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By raja2704

Input - user mail/user id.
Need to find the list of unassigned cases for the given user.

And also could you please share the db table name where the unassigned cases stored?

Hi amosbatto,

I am able to get the unassigned cases for the specific user. Its working fine.
But, only for some users there is a mismatch in the count of unassigned cases.
Do we have any restriction to list the unassigned cases?
i.e only if it self service assessment not with self service value based assignment. some thing like that.
waiting for your response.....
raja2704 wrote:I am able to get the unassigned cases for the specific user. Its working fine.
But, only for some users there is a mismatch in the count of unassigned cases.
Do we have any restriction to list the unassigned cases?
i.e only if it self service assessment not with self service value based assignment. some thing like that.
waiting for your response.....
I looked through the source code and this web service is using AppCacheView::getUnassigned() to get the list of unassigned cases. In the source code, both Self Service and Self Service Value Based Assignment case are returned. However, this code is old and I don't know if anyone has checked it for several years since most people are now using REST instead of web services. If not all the unassigned cases for a user are not being returned, can you determine which cases are not being returned?

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