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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
I tried this example in PM 3.0 but when I go to preview, the text box in my grid didn't change to disabled at all. So am I missing something or is this a bug?

Here's what I added to my form's javascript:
Code: Select all
$("#checkbox0000000001").setOnchange( function(newVal, oldVal) {  
    if (newVal = '"["1"]"') {
        $("#text0000000021").getControl().attr('disabled', true);
} );
checkbox0000000001 is the checkbox in my grid and text0000000021 is the textbox in the same grid.
Thank you. I am still curious if/when setOnChange is/was implemented. Because even when I try to make a textbox become disabled when a checkbox is checked and both are outside of the grid, it's still not working for me. But maybe my code is wrong too. Here is what I have to try to make a text box disabled when a checkbox is checked (again both are outside of any grids):
Code: Select all
function enableDisableText(newVal, oldVal) {
  if( newVal === '["1"]' ) {
        $("#storysource20").getControl().attr('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#storysource20").getControl().attr('disabled', false);  
This doesn't seem to work on my install (3.0)
Which version of PM are you using? PM has a bug which prevents setOnchange() from working with checkboxes.

In PM 3.1 and later, you need to do this:
Code: Select all
function enableDisableText(newVal, oldVal) {
  if( newVal == "1" ) {
        $("#storysource20").getControl().attr('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#storysource20").getControl().attr('disabled', false); 
I just discovered this change. I will add code examples on the wiki.
Ok, you are brilliant and I'm an idiot.

testing your example helped me find the issue.

When yours worked and mind didn't, I knew something was interfering on my end.

I ended up realizing that I had added some javascript in a panel that was interfering with setOnChange so I removed it and now it works!

Thanks so much for your help and patience.

you rock!
How could this be modified so it will be set Onload and not setOnchange?
Code: Select all
function enableDisableText() {
  if( $('#storyapproved001').getValue() == '"1"' ) {
        $("#storysouce1").getControl().attr('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#storysouce1").getControl().attr('disabled', false);
or something more like this?
Code: Select all
$('#storyapproved001').getValue(function () {
  if( $('#storyapproved001').getValue() == 1 ) {
        $("#storysouce1").getControl().attr('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#storysouce1").getControl().attr('disabled', false);
} );
Thank you again.

Unfortunately, it's still not working.

I tested it on your sample dynaform too (attached) with no luck.
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I also tried using these to load it:
Code: Select all
$( window ).on( "load", enableDisableText );
$( "document" ).ready( enableDisableText );
$().ready( enableDisableText );
and just for fun these:
Code: Select all
$( "img" ).ready( enableDisableText )
$(document).on( "ready", enableDisableText )
I also tried changing this line:
Code: Select all
  if( $('#storyapproved001').getValue() == '"1"' ) {
with these alternatives:
Code: Select all
  if( $("#storyapproved001").getValue() == '["1"]' ) {
  if( $('#storyapproved001').getValue() == '"["1"]"' ) {
  and a few others
The strange part is that it works fine with the onchange but not on loading the form.
The problem is that getValue() returns '1' or '0', whereas setOnchange() sees the value as '"1"' or '"0"'.
If you use this code it will work:
Code: Select all
function enableDisableText() {
  if( $('#disableCountry').getValue() == '1' ) {
        $("#country").getControl().attr('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#country").getControl().attr('disabled', false);
I have documented all this craziness: ... checkboxes
nycmwr3 wrote:Is there any way this can be done using a php trigger instead of javascript before a dynaform loads ? I am trying to disable fields using a php trigger and I am not sure how to go about this . I couldn't find any examples on the processmaker wiki either.
Let's say that you want to enable a field whose ID is "selectCountry" if the "exportAbroad" checkbox is marked or disable it if it isn't marked.

Add the following trigger to your process:
Code: Select all
@@enableSelectCountry = "yes"; //enabled by default

//if exportAbroad is not marked, then disable the "selectCountry" field in the next form:
if (is_array(@=exportAbroad) and @=exportAbroad[0] == '0') {
    @@enableSelectCountry = "no";
Set this trigger to execute before the DynaForm.

In the DynaForm, add a hidden field associated with the "enableSelectCountry" variable.
Then, add the following JavaScript code to the DynaForm:
Code: Select all
$("#enableSelectCountry").getValue()  == "no") {
   $("#selectCountry").getControl().attr("disabled", true);
thank you very much for the example . The javascript in the above example is not loading. The dynaform just displays the spinning wheel when I load it.

Another question: How do I disable fields with triggers without having an enable disable checkbox ? For Example : When the first user fills in the selectCountry textbox with some value and sends it for approval to the second user , the selectCountry checkbox is automatically disabled when the second user loads the dynaform.
When you have an error in the JavaScript, press F12 in your web browser to open the browser's debugger and go to the "Console" tab to see the error.
I have created a sample process to show you how to disable a field in the second task. See the trigger executed before the form in the second task and the JavaScript code.
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I found that dropdowns in Firefox need to be disabled this way:
Code: Select all
$("#dropdownID").getControl().prop("disabled", true);
For some reason the attr() function doesn't work.

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