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hye, just want to give some opinion. the web entry is really great. but is it possible to make the web entry automatically derivated to person in charge for the next process. Because currently, all the form from web entry will be in the "draft" box for person in charge for the current task, and that person need to click on continue button for it to derivate to next person.
syazwan wrote:is it possible to make the web entry automatically derivated to person in charge for the next process. Because currently, all the form from web entry will be in the "draft" box for person in charge for the current task, and that person need to click on continue button for it to derivate to next person.
the last release of PM generates automatically the following code for the "webentry post" page ( the page that is receiving the post values ) :
Code: Select all
    @include_once ( "wsClient.php" );
    if ( !function_exists ('ws_open') )
      throw ( new Exception ('function ws_open() is not defined.  File wsClient.php is missing') );	
    ws_open ();   
    $result = ws_newCase ( '{processUid}', '{taskUid}', $_POST['form'] );
    //$result = ws_newCase ( '{processUid}', '', $_POST['form'] );
    if ( $result->status_code == 0 ) {
      $caseId = $result->caseId;
      $caseNr = $result->caseNumber;
     $result = ws_derivateCase ($caseId, 1 );
      $assign = $result->message;

      //by default show the case info, for the recently created case
      //you can change it or redirect to another page 
      //G::header ( 'Location:' );
      $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher;
      $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = "Case created in ProcessMaker<br>Case Number:$caseNr <br>Case Id:$caseId<br>$assign";
      $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showInfo', '', $aMessage );
      G::RenderPage( 'publish', 'blank' );     
the key is the line " $result = ws_derivateCase ($caseId, 1 ); "
this line will derivate the case to next user.

Please check if you webentry post page have a code similar to this.
hi everybody,
we are just some days to release a new version of PMOS with LDAP authentication enabled,
thanks for you support.

I'm locking this post, because in past days the forum received a lot of spam messages.

I invite you to start other post if you have any other suggestion or comments about this topic.

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