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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By siavoshb
Dear all I need to change the process maker 3.0.1 grogerian calendar to hijri or Chinese however I found an older version solution 2.5.x but it can't be used for version 3 I would appreciate if any one could even give me a light on this problem cause I can't find it in the gulliver or in the wiki or anywhere else !!
Your truly
Frustrated developer!! :? :oops: :(
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By amosbatto
I don't know if this will work, but you can try using this library:
Place your Hijri calendar in a panel control and use the "external lib" property of your DynaForm to import any files you need. The tricky part is that you also need to create a string variable which is associated with a "hidden" field in your DynaForm and then add javascript that copies the selected date from the Hijri Calendar to your hidden field, so the selected value will be saved when the DynaForm is submitted. You also need to add JavaScript code to the DynaForm to copy saved value from the hidden field to the Hijri calendar when the DynaForm loads, so the user can see the selected date when opening the DynaForm a second time.

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