Ask questions about your install or get help installing and configuring ProcessMaker 2
By ImNtReal
I'm having some trouble getting ProcessMaker installed. I get as far as the installation creating the three databases, but then I get an error message saying that my user doesn't have access to the first database. If I log in manually as that user, I'm able to read, and write to that database. Does anyone know what's going on here? Thanks.
By Adrian
Have you tried giving full access permission to the user you are using for the databases?. Is probable you may have the same error with the other two databases.
in order to do that id woul recomend you to follow the next steps
1.- Open a terminal and type the next code
Code: Select all
mysql -u root -p 
2.- Enter the followin code replacing USER with your new user or the user you want to have access and PASSWORD with the password that you will use, in order to do that type the following code
Code: Select all
grant all on *.* to 'USER'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD' with grant option;
Now you can exit the mysql interface and try to acces the database

You can also check this info in our wiki site in the next URL: ... _than_root

Please let me know if you could solve your problem and if the problem persist please send me more information about your system so i can assist you better.
By ImNtReal
The MySQL server is remote, so I set up a temporary user for setting up ProcessMaker using:

The install script is able to successfully create the databases, and if I manually log in as my temp user, I am able to modify the databases, but I'm still getting this from the installer: Access denied for user 'temp'@'%' to database 'wf_workflow'
By ImNtReal
Is there a way for me to manually complete the installation? If I run the SQL scripts under workflow/engine/data/mysql, can I skip that step in the installer? Thanks.

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