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By alisoroush7
hi guys,
i have a file upload in my dynaform that get only one file. all i want to do is that i want to send the path of the upload file in a email. how can i get the path file ?

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By ronrich
Hello alisoroush7,

In the following URL, you will find some examples of how to either send the uploaded file as an attachment in an email or also to build a URL to the uploaded document that you can also send as part of the email.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
By Alfuera
In order to get the path of the file you uploaded in your Dynaform, you can use the PHP function "realpath()". This function will return the absolute pathname of a file on the server. Here is an example of how to get the file's absolute path: $filePath = realpath("path/to/file.ext"); You can then use this string in the body of your email message to include the path of the uploaded file. Software engineering companies can use artificial intelligence to automate tasks, improve customer experience, optimize processes and products, create personalized data insights, and develop smart applications. AI can also be used to streamline the development process, with technologies such as natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning <a href=""></a>. These can all help engineers design more efficient and powerful software solutions.
By abrahammay
Hi, when i tried to upload file it is uploaded to the directory which is configured in php.ini. how to configure in laravel to upload to public directory.
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By raavikant
In ProcessMaker, you can obtain the path of an uploaded file in a Dynaform and then use that information to send an email.

Here's how you might accomplish that:

Step 1: Obtain the Path of the Uploaded File

In a trigger, you can use the following code to get the path of the uploaded file. Assume the ID of the file control in the Dynaform is "fileControlId":

Code: Select all
$fileControlId = @@fileControlId;
if (!empty($fileControlId)) {
    $fileInfo = G::getUploadedFile($fileControlId);
    $filePath = $fileInfo['stored_file_path'];
Step 2: Send the Email with the File Path

You can then use the $filePath variable to send an email. Here's a basic example of how you might send an email using ProcessMaker's PMFSendMessage function:

Code: Select all
$emailTo = "";
$subject = "Uploaded File Path";
$body = "The path to the uploaded file is: $filePath";

PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $emailTo, '', '', $subject, $body);
Make sure to replace "" with the actual recipient's email address.


Ensure that the file control's ID matches what you use in the code.

Be cautious about sending file paths in an email, especially if the recipient is outside your organization. File paths can sometimes contain sensitive information or reveal details about your system's structure.

This code should be run as part of a trigger that is fired after the Dynaform with the file upload is submitted. Check the ProcessMaker documentation for your specific version to make sure these functions and methodologies apply.
By acousticjab
raavikant wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:44 am In ProcessMaker, you can obtain the path of an uploaded file in a Dynaform and then use that information to send an email.

Here's how you might accomplish that:

Step 1: Obtain the Path of the Uploaded File

In a trigger, you can use the following code to get the path of the uploaded file. Assume the ID of the file control in the Dynaform is "fileControlId":

Code: Select all
$fileControlId = @@fileControlId;
if (!empty($fileControlId)) {
    $fileInfo = G::getUploadedFile($fileControlId);
    $filePath = $fileInfo['stored_file_path'];
Step 2: Send the Email with the File Path

You can then use the $filePath variable to send an email. Here's a basic example of how you might send an email using ProcessMaker's PMFSendMessage function:

Code: Select all
$emailTo = "";
$subject = "Uploaded File Path";
$body = "The path to the uploaded file is: $filePath";

PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $emailTo, '', '', $subject, $body);
Make sure to replace "" with the actual recipient's email address.


Ensure that the file control's ID matches what you use in the code.

Be cautious about sending file paths in an email, especially if the recipient is outside your organization. File paths can sometimes contain sensitive information or reveal details about your system's structure.

This code should be run as part of a trigger that is fired after the Dynaform with the file upload is submitted. Check the ProcessMaker documentation for your specific version to make sure these functions and methodologies apply.
You are so cool!
By johnrock123
To obtain the report route on your uploaded record, recollect having access to the File Path or File Location attribute for your dynaform. Once received, include it in your email script to dynamically send the record direction. If you come across demanding situations, feel unfastened and seek professional assistance from services like Write my paper for me to make of an unbroken and green decision. Good luck together with your venture!
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