Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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By CarbonNanotubes
I have a process where the initial user (requester) completes the first task which sends out a notification email to a bunch of users. These users have the option to send a response back to the requester. My issue is I want the case to close automatically after a 24 hour timer has completed. If a response is received that timer should reset back to 24 hours again.

Anyone know how I could accomplish this? Here is the example of what I currently have, my thought was whenever a new response was submitted the timer would be triggered again and would reset back to 24 hours

By ClaudioLema
Hello CarbonNanoTubes,

For help you, what version of ProcessMaker are you using?, anyway did you try to use "Start Event: Timer" to be able to start and define the execution times?, I attach the wiki about events in ProcessMaker:

By CarbonNanotubes
We are using 3.5.7.

I don't think that would work since a start event must connect to a task or something first which in this case I would want it to connect to an exclusive gateway to fork which path to take (route to form task or close)

Another thing I have tried but does not seem to work is using the assignment rules timeout. I currently have it set to 5 minutes for testing.

In that trigger I first just sent an email which did work but when calling
Code: Select all

Which should try to send it to the next task but should also fail the exclusive gateway and route to the end event instead, right?

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By programerboy
You can easily create automatic routes for your cases with "Automatic route case plugin".
Please check the following link:

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