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By userg19
I have a code that load sql data that sum the value but i want to get the different column on sql to call on javascript

("#monthofdatawfr").getControl()[0].multiple = true
let dataval = '';

$('#monthofdatawfr option:selected').each(function(){
dataval = (dataval*1);
dataval += +$(this).val();

$("#textVar078").setValue(dataval); // same value
$("#quota1").setValue(dataval); //same value but need to setValue on my other column on sql

By thomas32
You could use ajax to make a call to the server and retrieve the other column's value.

Assuming you have a server-side script that can provide the value, you could do something like this:

let dataval = '';

$('#monthofdatawfr option:selected').each(function(){
dataval = (dataval*1);
dataval += +$(this).val();

$("#textVar078").setValue(dataval); // same value

// Make an ajax call to retrieve the other column's value
url: 'yourscript.php',
type: 'GET',
data: { value: dataval },
success: function(data) {
$("#quota1").setValue(data); // setValue on my other column on sql

By celinedion
you can use AJAX to send an HTTP request to a server-side script (e.g. PHP) that updates the SQL database based on the selected option(s). Here's an example of how you can modify your code:

$("#monthofdatawfr").getControl()[0].multiple = true;

$('#monthofdatawfr').click(function() {
let dataval = 0;

$('#monthofdatawfr option:selected').each(function() {
dataval += parseFloat($(this).val());


// Send an HTTP request to update the SQL database
url: 'update_sql.php',
method: 'POST',
data: {quota1_value: dataval},
success: function(response) {
error: function(xhr, status, error) {

In the above code, update_sql.php is a server-side script that updates the SQL database based on the value of quota1_value that is passed in the HTTP request. You need to implement the update_sql.php script to connect to your SQL database and update the relevant column(s).
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By raavikant

To achieve this, you need to modify the code to fetch the required column value from the SQL database.

Here's an outline of what you may need to do:

Create a Server-Side Endpoint to Fetch Data: Write a server-side script (e.g., PHP, Node.js) to connect to the SQL database, execute the required query, and fetch the desired column value.

Call the Server-Side Endpoint from JavaScript: Make an AJAX request from your JavaScript code to call the server-side endpoint and retrieve the required value.

Modify the Value in JavaScript: Use the retrieved value to set the value of the element with the ID quota1.

Here's a code snippet that might fit into your existing code:

Code: Select all
  let dataval = '';

  $('#monthofdatawfr option:selected').each(function(){
    dataval = (dataval*1);
    dataval += +$(this).val();

  // Setting the first value as usual

  // Making an AJAX request to get the other column value from SQL
  $.get('path/to/your/server/endpoint', { data: dataval }, function(response) {
    // Assuming the response contains the value for the 'quota1' field

Make sure to replace 'path/to/your/server/endpoint' with the actual URL of your server-side script that retrieves the required column value from the SQL database.
By jaggedswift
raavikant wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:56 am Hi,

To achieve this, you need to modify the code to fetch the required column value from the SQL database.

Here's an outline of what you may need to do:

Create a Server-Side Endpoint to Fetch Data: Write a server-side script (e.g., PHP, Node.js) to connect to the SQL database, execute the required query, and fetch the desired column value.

Call the Server-Side Endpoint from JavaScript: Make an AJAX request from your JavaScript code to call the server-side endpoint and retrieve the required value.

Modify the Value in JavaScript: Use the retrieved value to set the value of the element with the ID quota1.

Here's a code snippet that might fit into your existing code:

Code: Select all
  let dataval = '';

  $('#monthofdatawfr option:selected').each(function(){
    dataval = (dataval*1);
    dataval += +$(this).val();

  // Setting the first value as usual

  // Making an AJAX request to get the other column value from SQL
  $.get('path/to/your/server/endpoint', { data: dataval }, function(response) {
    // Assuming the response contains the value for the 'quota1' field

Make sure to replace 'path/to/your/server/endpoint' with the actual URL of your server-side script that retrieves the required column value from the SQL database.
It's worked, many thanks.

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