Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker: user interface, running cases & functionality

I was able to call REST API via Ajax script in the dynaform. I would appreciate if someone could teach me on how to get the grid values from the dyanform and post that data in a html table format? Is this possible?

I am going to call the Create Case Note: POST /cases/{app_uid}/note endpoint via Ajax.

Please help.
Hi PM Team,

I just want to update you on my progress in consuming the API call for the case notes.

var grd = $("#grd_followup_items");
var rows = $("#grd_followup_items").getNumberRows();

for (var i = rows; i <= rows; i++) {
var date_created = grd.getValue(i, 1);
var remarks = grd.getValue(i, 2);
var completed = grd.getValue(i, 3);
var assigned_usr = grd.getText(i, 4);

alert(date_created + ' ' + remarks + ' ' + completed + ' '+ assigned_usr);

var note_content = { "Date Created" : date_created, "Remarks" : remarks};

let execute_trigger_url = apiServer + "/cases/" + app_uid + "/note";

url: execute_trigger_url,
data: {note_content},
type: "PUT",
beforeSend: function(xhr){xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);},
success: function(put_data) {


return true;

I get an error:
error Object { code: 404, message: "Not Found" }

Please help.

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