Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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By JonathanMiller
I was wondering what the certified ProcessMaker approach was to configuring a plugin's cron execution to be nightly when the cron.php itself is executed every 5 minutes? Currently I'm thinking I need to check if an execution is the first execution of a new day and if that is the case do my work and then somehow store that the work has been done for the day.

I'm using ProcessMaker 3.5.7 if that is needed. I've been doing a real deep dive into plugin development so any information is helpful.

My cron is:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f "/opt/processmaker-3.5.7/workflow/engine/bin/cron.php" plugins
By zetisop
These unassuming lines of code hold the Geometry Dash key to orchestrating a symphony of tasks, ensuring seamless operations, and maximizing efficiency in a variety of applications.
By Mikasa
You mentioned that you need to store that the work has been done for the day. You can achieve this by using some form of persistent storage.
Code: Select all
// Check if it's a new day
$currentDate = date('Y-m-d');
$lastExecutionDate = getLastExecutionDate(); // Retrieve from your persistent storage

if ($currentDate !== $lastExecutionDate) {
    // Perform your nightly tasks here

    // Update the last execution date
    updateLastExecutionDate($currentDate); // Store in your persistent storage

function getLastExecutionDate() {
    // Implement fetching last execution date from your storage
    // Example: return $lastExecutionDate;

function updateLastExecutionDate($newDate) {
    // Implement updating last execution date in your storage
    // Example: $lastExecutionDate = $newDate;
By indignantsacred
Mikasa wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:48 am You mentioned that you need to store that the work has been done for the day. You can achieve this by using some form of persistent storage.
Code: Select all
// Check if it's a new day
$currentDate = date('Y-m-d');
$lastExecutionDate = getLastExecutionDate(); // Retrieve from your persistent storage

if ($currentDate !== $lastExecutionDate) {
    // Perform your nightly tasks here

    // Update the last execution date
    updateLastExecutionDate($currentDate); // Store in your persistent storage

function getLastExecutionDate() {
    // Implement fetching last execution date from your storage
    // Example: return $lastExecutionDate;

function updateLastExecutionDate($newDate) {
    // Implement updating last execution date in your storage
    // Example: $lastExecutionDate = $newDate;
Is this the command used to set up daily job archiving?
By wilkinsonwilfrid
It is indeed feasible to configure a nightly cron job inside a ProcessMaker plugin, as you correctly pointed out; this is true even when the main cron.php file is processed every 5 minutes.

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