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Is there any way when an email is sent to an approver, and this approver has the chance to either approve or reject or cancel, add his comments and add automatically the approval date? I have reviewed the documentation
I think it could be possible if I choose the option 'Link to fill a form' but is there any way to reach this in the same mail?
PM. V. 3.3.5 Enterprise Edition

Your response is greatly appreciated.
The easiest option is to use a Link to a Dynaform as explained in the documentation.

If you are a programmer, you can write code to send out an email which contains an HTML form which contains a textarea for comments and a dropdown to select the decision. The submit button in the form would send the data to be processed by a custom PHP file that uses web services or REST to add the data to the case as variables. The current date can be added with this line of PHP code:
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

See this example, which is based on links, but the same thing works with an HTML <form>: ... _via_Email
gemmalyly wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 5:07 am It’s important that you be specific about why you are commenting on a bill or an issue. If you can, use the official name of the bill or topic. Be sure to include your contact information and in what capacity you are commenting. Also, be sure to date your comment so it’s clear when it was submitted.
I don't have time to write the email portion of the code, but if you already have code for sending it on a specific date, you'll only need to modify it with variables.

Assuming Date is column 'A', Email is column 'B', etc., I would add a new column labeled 'Email Sent' (let's say column 'E') that is vacant, and have the code enter 'Yes' or something similar to indicate that the email has been sent.

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