Unofficial documentation how to do interesting things and work around problems in ProcessMaker
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In a dynaform (for example: called "Grid Form"), I created a grid consisting of 10 columns and I want to use this dynaform as a Sub-Form in other dynaforms.
In each of the other dynaforms - which I use the "Form Grid" Sub-Form - I need some of the "Form Grid" columns and I do not need the other columns for show. So for better display, I have to reduce or increase the width of the columns with JavaScript and hide the other columns that do not need to be displayed in current dynaform. And I do this, in another dynaform, for the other columns of that grid.
For example, in dynaform "001", the columns and their widths, should look like this:
1- Width of the first column: 10%
2- Width of the second column: 15%
3- Width of the third column: 30%
4- Width of the fourth column: 17%
5- The fifth column: hidden
6- Width of the sixth column: 22%
7- The seventh column: hidden
8- The eighth column: hidden
9- Ninth column: hidden
10- The tenth column: hidden
(Total column width: 94%)
And in dynaform "002", the columns and their widths, should look like this:
1- Width of the first column: 14%
2- The second column: hidden
3- The third column: hidden
4- Width of the fourth column: 17%
5- The fifth column: hidden
6- Width of the sixth column: 22%
7- Width of the seventh column: 24%
8- The eighth column: hidden
9- Width of the ninth column: 17%
10- The tenth column: hidden
(Total column width: 94%)
Similarly, in other dynaforms, the width of each column, as well as whether or not the columns are displayed, depends on the same dynaform and in JavaScript of that dynaform will specify.
I know how to hide columns By JavaScript. But I did not find a way to change the width of the columns of that grid, using JavaScript.
Friends, can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot.
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If you want to change the width of the columns in a grid or table, it's easy enough to do with CSS. But what if you want to change the widths dynamically? For example, what if you're using an infinite scrolling grid, and you want the user to decide how wide each column is?

In that case, it's time for JavaScript. Here's an example of a snippet of JavaScript code that will change the width of the columns in your HTML table:

var tableWidth = document.querySelector('table').offsetWidth;

var columnWidth = tableWidth / columns; = columnWidth + 'px';

This code is pretty straightforward. First we get the width of the table element by using querySelector() and storing it in tableWidth . Then we divide that by the number of columns, which is stored in columns , and assign that value to columnWidth . Finally, we add a px to the width property of the table element so that it actually changes its size. That's all there is to it!
To change the width of the columns of a grid in a Dynaform using JavaScript, you can use the following steps:

Get the HTML element for the column that you want to change the width of. You can do this using the document.querySelector() or document.getElementById() methods.
Set the width property of the HTML element to the desired width. You can specify the width in pixels, percentage, or other CSS units.
Update the CSS style of the column to reflect the new width. You can do this using the property.
For example, the following JavaScript code will change the width of the first column of a grid to 10%:

const firstColumn = document.querySelector('.col-1'); = '10%';

You can use this same approach to change the width of any column in the grid.

To change the width of multiple columns in the grid, you can use a loop to iterate over the columns and change their widths accordingly. For example, the following JavaScript code will change the width of the first three columns of a grid to 10%, 15%, and 30%, respectively:

const columns = document.querySelectorAll('.col');

for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { = `${i * 10}%`;

You can also use JavaScript to hide columns in a grid. To do this, you can use the property. Setting the display property to none will hide the element.

For example, the following JavaScript code will hide the fifth column of a grid:

const fifthColumn = document.querySelector('.col-5'); = 'none';

You can use the same approach to hide any column in the grid.

To hide multiple columns in the grid, you can use a loop to iterate over the columns and hide them accordingly. For example, the following JavaScript code will hide the fifth, seventh, and ninth columns of a grid:

const columns = document.querySelectorAll('.col');

for (let i = 5; i < columns.length; i += 2) { = 'none';
You can use JavaScript to change the width and hide columns in a Dynaform grid to create a more customized display for your form.
Last edited by TahuluLimia on Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Set the option manualColumnResize to true to allow users to manually resize the column width by dragging the handle between the adjacent column headers. If you double-click on that handle, the width will be instantly adjusted to the size of the longest value in the column.
Yes, I can help you with this. You can change the width of the columns of a grid in a DynaForm using JavaScript by using the following code:

// Get the grid element.
var grid = document.getElementById("grid");

// Get the column elements.
var columns = grid.querySelectorAll("th");

// Set the width of each column.
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { = "10%";
You can also use the following code to hide a column:

// Get the column element.
var column = document.getElementById("column-name");

// Hide the column. = "none";

To use this code in your DynaForm, you would add it to the JavaScript section of the DynaForm. You can then use the DynaForm's rules engine to execute the code when the DynaForm is loaded.

For example, the following rule would set the width of the first column to 10% and hide the fifth column:

// Set the width of the first column to 10%.
document.getElementById("column-1").style.width = "10%";

// Hide the fifth column.
document.getElementById("column-5").style.display = "none";
You can create multiple rules to set the width and visibility of different columns for different DynaForms.

Here is an example of a complete DynaForm JavaScript section that you could use to set the width and visibility of columns in a grid:

// Get the grid element.
var grid = document.getElementById("grid");

// Get the column elements.
var columns = grid.querySelectorAll("th");

// Set the width of each column.
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
// Get the column name.
var columnName = columns.getAttribute("name");

// Set the width of the column based on the column name.
switch (columnName) {
case "column-1": = "10%";
case "column-5": = "none";
// ...
You can modify this code to set the width and visibility of columns in your DynaForm as needed.
Last edited by BrovtalGemini on Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, you can use JavaScript to change the width of the columns in a dynaform grid. Here is an example of how to do this:

// Get the dynaform grid
var grid = document.getElementById('grid');

// Get the column elements
var columns = grid.querySelectorAll('td');

// Set the width of the first column to 10%
columns[0].style.width = '10%';

// Set the width of the second column to 15%
columns[1].style.width = '15%';

// Set the width of the third column to 30%
columns[2].style.width = '30%';

// Set the width of the fourth column to 17%
columns[3].style.width = '17%';

// Hide the fifth column
columns[4].style.display = 'none';

// Set the width of the sixth column to 22%
columns[5].style.width = '22%';

// Hide the seventh column
columns[6].style.display = 'none';

// Hide the eighth column
columns[7].style.display = 'none';

// Hide the ninth column
columns[8].style.display = 'none';

// Hide the tenth column
columns[9].style.display = 'none';

This code will change the width of the columns in the grid to the specified values. You can use this same code to change the width of the columns in any dynaform grid.

Here is an example of how to use JavaScript to hide and show columns in a dynaform grid:

// Get the dynaform grid
var grid = document.getElementById('grid');

// Get the column elements
var columns = grid.querySelectorAll('td');

// Hide the fifth column
columns[4].style.display = 'none';

// Show the seventh column
columns[6].style.display = 'block';

This code will hide the fifth column and show the seventh column in the grid. You can use this same code to hide and show any column in a dynaform grid.

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