Discussion about the internationalization and localization of ProcessMaker
By stubbef
Hi everyone,

I am just starting to explore ProcessMaker. First I wanted to install de Dutch language pack
but I get an error, processmaker.nl.po has a bad format. Can anybody help me out ?
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By martijnburger

I am the author of the .po file. I noticed that I sometimes get this error. For some reason the last carriage return (enter) is not in the file. Just open the file in a text editor and add one 'enter' at the end of the file. That solved it for me. I don't get this error with the current version available on sourceforge, so please let me know if you have the problem with the latest version and if this workaround solves your problem.

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Martijn Burger.
By Tobiasopdenbrouw
Overigens zit in de laatste versie van de vertaling best vaak het woord 'gerbuiker'.

Een find-replace lost dat makkelijk op. :)

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