Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
Good day,
I have a problem in generating output document. I'm using 3.1.3 - Enterprise Edition. A week earlier, it is working properly, but after renewing the ssl certificate we started to notice the problems in generating output document (PDF). We don't know if it is because of the renewal of the ssl certificate since no processmaker files have been patched.

1. The HTML2PDF not working when running a process. In the output document editor the content is fine, but when the case is running the result of the html2pdf report generator is empty or blank page.

2. The TCPDF report generator always show this error when calling an image from the process public files or any publicly accessible image TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get image: https://serverIP/sysworkspace/en/neocla ... /image.jpg

I hope somebody can help me to solve this problem.
Thank you.

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