Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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This text is set by the label ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE. To change it, go to Admin > Languages and select the language which your users login to PM. Then click on "Export". Wait a long time for the .po file to be generated for the language. Download the .po file and edit it with PoEdit. Change the text of ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE and save the .po file.

Then return to ProcessMaker and go to Admin > Languages and click on "Import" and select your modified .po file. It generally takes about 3 or 4 minutes to upload the file and overwrite all the strings in PM.

Note: if the updated text doesn't appear in your web browser, then press Ctrl +F5 to reload the page. If that doesn't work, then clear the web browser's saved cache.
I'm not sure which one of these is being called, but it is one of these lines that you need to change:
# grep -n --include=*.js -R ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE *
shared/compiled/ExtJs/cases_open.js:1384: var noteReasonTxt = _('ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE') + ' ' + Ext.getCmp('noteReason').getValue();
workflow/engine/templates/cases/open.js:1384: var noteReasonTxt = _('ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE') + ' ' + Ext.getCmp('noteReason').getValue();
workflow/engine/templates/cases/casesList.js:313: var noteReasonTxt = _('ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE') + ' ' + Ext.getCmp('noteReason').getValue();

# grep -n --include=*.php -R ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE *
workflow/engine/src/ProcessMaker/BusinessModel/Light.php:1215: $request_data['noteContent'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE_PAUSE_LABEL_NOTE') . ' ' . $request_data['noteContent'];
marcosfpa wrote:All task lists (inbox, paused, to review, search, etc.) are with this error, what can be?
Do you have this code in your workflow/public_html/app.php file at line 61?
Code: Select all
    switch ($stat)
        case Maveriks\WebApplication::RUNNING_WORKFLOW:
            include "sysGeneric.php";
I've never seen this error before.
Which version of PM are you using?
I wonder if you put characters that aren't UTF-8 into PM that screwed up a string so it isn't terminated.
The other possibility is that one of your JavaScript code files got corrupted.
I recommend doing a second install of the same version of PM and exporting your workspace and importing it into the new installation.
If the problem disappears, then it was probably corrupted JS file.

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