Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker: user interface, running cases & functionality
By pamiller3
Hey all,
I am trying to use the app and seems to go alright, I login and claim a ticket, but then it just loads forever. We are currently using processmaker v3.10.0-693 and the app is on an android running v Any idea what is wrong or something to try?
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By amosbatto
Version 3.10.0 doesn't exist (as far as I know). Are you talking about version 3.0.1 or version 3.1? Are you using the Enterprise Edition?

I just tried claiming an unassigned case with PM 3.2.1 Community and PM App, and it works. Check whether there is no trigger that is being fired at that point in your process. If so, then temporarily remove it to see if it causing the problem. Also disable any custom JavaScript in your DynaForm, because maybe the javascript isn't compatible with the App. Just because code works in the web version doesn't mean that it will always work in the Mobile App.

You should also login to PM and go Admin > Case List Cache Builder and click on Build Cache to see whether that eliminates the problem. If so, then the APP_CACHE_VIEW table isn't updating correctly for some reason.
By pamiller3
Sorry looks like it was version 3.2.1-community. And I can claim the case, but when I open the dynform it just sits at "Loading". I then removed all java from the form and still fails. I also built the cache as recommended and failed.
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By amosbatto
The problem is probably in the JSON code that defines the DynaForm. You probably have some element in your DynaForm which the PM mobile app can't open. Try creating a very simple DynaForm and put it in place of your DynaForm and see if it runs in the app. If the problem is the DynaForm, then you should keep removing elements from the form until you figure out which element is causing the problem.

If you want me to look at your Dynaform, then export it and post its .json file here and I will see if I can spot the problem.
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By amosbatto
I don't have any trouble loading the DynaForm you gave me in the ProcessMaker App, so I don't think that it is the form. Do you use a database connection in the form? (This will be stripped off when exporting the form, so I can't tell from the .json file.)

The problem might be in your process. If you are willing to share your process, then export it and post the .pmx file here and I will test it.
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By amosbatto
It appears that the ProcessMaker Mobile App has a bug, which doesn't occur in the web version. If you have multiple Self Service tasks at the same time in a case, when you try to claim the case for the "RDC" task, the mobile app returns the first unassigned task that was created, which in your process would be the "LDC" task. That mismatch causes this error:
Forbidden: you don't have permission to access this endpoint or resource on this server.

Until this bug gets fixed, you should only use one Self Service task at a time in your process if you want to use the Mobile App.
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By amosbatto
Unfortunately, I can't give you access to the internal bug reporter because of confidential information, but I will try to remember to post here when this bug gets fixed.
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By amosbatto
pamiller3 wrote:Please do this is vital to our decision making process on going full version of this product or staying with the unpaid community version.
I'm not sure if this will influence your decision, but the bugs reported by clients paying for the Enterprise Edition generally get priority when the Development team decides which bugs to fix.

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