Discussion about the internationalization and localization of ProcessMaker
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By amosbatto
We haven't received any translations for these languages yet (which probably means that noone has bothered to translate PM yet in those languages), but we would be delighted if someone would translate PM in those languages.
Do we need to translate all of the rows one by one .

For ex. i want to test reaction of users come by turkish translation first.
So is it possible to translate fields only which only a simple user interacts.
Editing or administrative stuffs can stay in english for a start .

Possible to determine which fields are those ?
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By amosbatto
If you want to leave the majority in English, then export the English language file (go to ADMIN > LANGUAGES, select English and click the "Export" link). Then rename the exported file from processmaker.en.po to processmaker.ru.po. Open it with PoEdit and go to Catalog > Setting and change the Language to "Russian" and the Country to "Russia". Then translate only the phrases which you want to translate. Leave the rest of the phrases in English. Then go to ADMIN > LANGUAGES and click on "Import or Update". The next time you login, Russian should be available in the list of Languages. If you want others to be able to use your translation, please email me it (amos AT colosa DOT com) and I will put it in the wiki so others can download it.
Thank you amosbatto,
I wanna ask if i have to translate all rows i mean
for ex, there are many phrases which comes more than once or twice in poedit,
so i need to translate all of those even those are same ?

Sincerely Yours
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By amosbatto
renaissance wrote: I wanna ask if i have to translate all rows i mean
for ex, there are many phrases which comes more than once or twice in poedit,
so i need to translate all of those even those are same ?
If a phrase appears in ProcessMaker many times, then it will only appear in the PO file once. So you only have to translate the phrase once and it will be changed in all the places where the phrase appears in the interface. HOWEVER, the phrase has to be exactly the same. "second", "Second", "SECOND", "second:" and "second " are all different phrases, so you will have to translate them all if you want all of them to appear in the translated language.
By freddy76
Jabadie wrote:
renaissance wrote:Does anybody use PM in Russian or in Turkish ?

Is there such language packs in use ?
Russian was just added to the list of languages supported by ProcessMaker a few days ago thanks to Cross Decisions, here is the link to it:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/process ... o/download


Yeh, thanks for the Russian!! Will make use track a cell phone of it!

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