Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
By processmakeruser

We are working with a client who need to have all latest version of softwares installed on their servers to be compliant, but Processmaker Community version does not support PHP 7 yet. Can someone please point me to roadmap of when this support will be done?

Thanks in advance!
By johnbrand
I've had processmaker in a small installation for a couple of years now and I had been running on the same server as some other content related apps like Wordpress and SuiteCRM. I had to go to PHP 7 for the latest version of SuiteCRM and that has broken Processmaker. Wordpress could handle the upgrade to 7 as well (almost seamlessly) so that wasn't a problem.

While integration with SuiteCRM was a very nice to have feature, I bit the bullet and even tried to install PM in isolation on one of the supported stacks. However, I have so far spent many, many, many hours trying to find a combination of environments that work. Even the supported Centos stack I haven't been able to get working because of the database requirement for a version of MYSQL that is no longer supported on EL7. The documentation for the installation instructions on that stack are out of date and now wrong. I've spent many, many, many hours of frustration, just trying to get a working system back again. And I still haven't managed to...

So that's my reasoning for why PHP7.0 is important.
By MackieeE
To further add to the use cases for PHP 7.
    [*]As mentioned, having ProcessMaker run on the same Server as other key Webapps within my Business is handy. These other resources are other Webapps that are running on PHP >= 7.0. This means I would need to spawn a separate Web Server purely for ProcessMaker. (I'm currently on AWS until PHP 7 is supported). This is mutually beneficial for ProcessMakers' new & elegant Connectors & Services integration introduced in version 3.2. [*]PHP 7.0 Has numerous [url=]speed improvements[/url] [*]PHP 5.6 finished "active support" since [url=]January 2017[/url]. (I understand it's on LTS for security fixes & Whatnot) [*]As a new customer myself; it perceives that ProcessMaker is not "cutting-edge" per say. I know this is not true; As ProcessMaker is regarded as the best LAMP BPM System out there, I vouch for that :)
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By amosbatto
I agree with all the points you raised. Unfortunately, it is going to take a lot of work to get PM ready for PHP 7. It is not only PM's code, but also the third party software that PM is using. PM is uses a bunch of functions that have been removed from PHP 7. Last year I grepped through the PM code and found over 600 instances where the code uses deprecated functions, which do not exist in PHP 7. In a code base as large as PM, it is going to take quite a while to refactor all that code.
By tdondich
Hi everyone. I'm the CTO here at ProcessMaker and I wanted to clarify a few things as what's been churning internally has been exciting but not everyone may be fully up to speed on it.

tl:dr: We've been working extremely hard the last few months and we're just about complete with PHP 7 compatibility. We're aiming towards having this fully supported by no later than end of the year.

We've been working very hard in our 3.2.x line and if you've upgraded to 3.2 from previous versions, you may have noticed significant improvements to speed if you've had large data sets. We've also been increasing our release schedule for minor releases as we focus on bugs and performance.

Our upcoming 3.2.2 release will support MySQL 5.6 out of the box. It will also support nginx and php-fpm configurations and be rock solid on PHP 5.6. That's been the effort of the team as we go through all the dependency packages that Amos talked about. Quite a few were a bit out of date and require a good amount of refactoring to make sure they're compatible with PHP 7 moving forward. Also, 3.2.2 will support caching out of the box that will allow for custom plugins and triggers to utilize memcache or redis caches for faster performance. The system comes out of the box supporting file based caching as well.

3.2.3 will be the first release of ProcessMaker that supports PHP 7.0 and 7.1. This will introduce performance improvements at the language level and we're already seeing really good performance. However, as Amos has mentioned, there's quite a bit of code to go through and we want to make sure everything works just as intended. 3.2.3 is also the target release for putting in a new upgrade/migration system to make upgrades a bit faster and smoother.

3.2.x will continue to evolve as we continue to focus on bugs, performance and security. Our intention is to release a new minor release about every month.

So, hopefully that clarifies things. I'm extremely excited to see MySQL 5.6 getting full support as well as PHP 7. This will ensure we continue to improve our performance as well as our code quality.
By MackieeE

Thank you for your detailed response tdonich, equally to amosbatto for listening & taking your time to check. I respect it's a large undertaking with admittedly, for a small payoff in the grand scheme of things. Developing new USP's & Functions to PM do add more value for everyone involved.

Regardless, that roadmap sounds reasonable and sensible. For which I look forward to growing with PM in it's future endeavours :)

By wondertrout
This is very good news indeed! I really look forward to being able to reinstate my system!. Many thanks for the clarification.


tdondich wrote:Hi everyone. I'm the CTO here at ProcessMaker and I wanted to clarify a few things as what's been churning internally has been exciting but not everyone may be fully up to speed on it.

tl:dr: We've been working extremely hard the last few months and we're just about complete with PHP 7 compatibility. We're aiming towards having this fully supported by no later than end of the year.

We've been working very hard in our 3.2.x line and if you've upgraded to 3.2 from previous versions, you may have noticed significant improvements to speed if you've had large data sets. We've also been increasing our release schedule for minor releases as we focus on bugs and performance.

Our upcoming 3.2.2 release will support MySQL 5.6 out of the box. It will also support nginx and php-fpm configurations and be rock solid on PHP 5.6. That's been the effort of the team as we go through all the dependency packages that Amos talked about. Quite a few were a bit out of date and require a good amount of refactoring to make sure they're compatible with PHP 7 moving forward. Also, 3.2.2 will support caching out of the box that will allow for custom plugins and triggers to utilize memcache or redis caches for faster performance. The system comes out of the box supporting file based caching as well.

3.2.3 will be the first release of ProcessMaker that supports PHP 7.0 and 7.1. This will introduce performance improvements at the language level and we're already seeing really good performance. However, as Amos has mentioned, there's quite a bit of code to go through and we want to make sure everything works just as intended. 3.2.3 is also the target release for putting in a new upgrade/migration system to make upgrades a bit faster and smoother.

3.2.x will continue to evolve as we continue to focus on bugs, performance and security. Our intention is to release a new minor release about every month.

So, hopefully that clarifies things. I'm extremely excited to see MySQL 5.6 getting full support as well as PHP 7. This will ensure we continue to improve our performance as well as our code quality.
By MackieeE
So.. I thought I'd bring up this old topic instead of making a new thread! :)

Amosbatto suggested that it may be a good idea to have this added to the Roadmap, which still has no mention of PHP 7 yet? Of which, is racing ahead to 7.2 last time I checked! (The Developement cycles for PHP seems to be faster than ever these days). Any update for it this year in 2018?
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By amosbatto
PHP 7 is now scheduled for version 3.3 and they are talking about the end of this year. That is the best estimate I can give you if you are waiting for PHP 7.
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By amosbatto
You should make a backup of your workspace before upgrading (and just to be safe make a backup of your database and backup of the files in your processmaker installation). That way you can go back to your old version if you find problems.

I have found so many bugs in versions 3.3.X, that I can't recommend upgrading at this time.
By zaekaleem
processmakeruser wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:20 am Hi,

We are working with a client who need to have all latest Onlinesbi sudoku incometaxindiaefilingversion of softwares installed on their servers to be compliant, but Processmaker Community version does not support PHP 7 yet. Can someone please point me to roadmap of when this support will be done?

Thanks in advance!

Thank you for the update amosbatto! I've seen a couple of emails about 3.2.2 recently, looks like an exciting update :)
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