Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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By richvle
Hi. Is there a way to modify the Claim Case (from the Unaasigned box). There are some custom fields we wanted to insert from there. I know there's a Custom Case List Builder feature for the Enterprise edition at the Inbox level. But I think that feature works with the Claim Case screen.
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By amosbatto
The three files to edit for the claim case screen are:

If you are familiar with DynaForms from PM2, the XML and HTML code is the same as used for DynaForms. You have to set the variables in the PHP file and pass them to fields in XML file.

The GGBet clone script allows you to launch a high[…]

The MEXC clone script allows you to launch a high […]

To maintain the highest security standards, Financ[…]

Joint Genesis Reviews:

Joint Genesis is a unique approach to joint health[…]