Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
Hi all

Just a quick summary of my setup. My Server is a windows Server 2012 R2. im running the Bitnami version 3.1-0.
im trying to install an application called Cacti but since bitnami wamp stack is all out of the default directories
and uses different configurations.ive found it to be quite the problem trying to install Cacti and its needed parts .
id like to uninstall this version and install all needed components to run Processmaker 3.1-Comunity .
Msql version 5.5.52. database name -bitnami_pm. work-space - workflow. PHP 5.6.26 (can i upgrade this component?)
HTTP/1.1. i used the default set up options on initial installation. can someone please point me in the right direction as to
install process maker with all its components needed separately on this OS. Also to address how to back up my current workflow.
that being all the tables. users and configuration. is there a way to have addition ''workflows'' ?

thanks in advance and id appreciate any information or assistance

Best Regards

If you are facing issues, I would recommend you to do a manual installation of ProcessMaker Community version. Please refer the below documentation, which would lead you through the necessary installation steps for a manual installation on Windows Server R2 2012:

Also, yes you can have multiple workspaces on one instance of ProcessMaker, to install a new workspace go to the following URL:

In order to restore all your cases to new ProcessMaker installation, you need to take the backup of your workspace in ProcessMaker Bitnami and create the mysql dump of your databases. Also take a backup of your ProcessMaker directory in case anything goes wrong. Do a manual installation of ProcessMAker and import your processmaker workspace and mysql database.
To create a backup of your workspace you need to follow the steps mentioned in the documentation: ... Workspaces

Also please have a look at a similar post before relating to backup of Bitnami version. viewtopic.php?f=40&t=709851&p=788816&hi ... up#p788816

Please let us know if you face any roadblocks. I would suggest you create a zip of your entire ProcessMaker directory before you begin in case you need to revert back.

Best Regards,
Zainab Sabunwala
Hi there

So it seems im running into a some sort of problem and i dont know how it coming about.
Followed the installation instructions for process maker 3.1.2. the version i had installed is actually version 3.1.3.
in order of installation. apache,msql,php then processmaker. however when i try the web page i get a message saying it works...
could someone give me a little guidance.

Best Regards
Jonathan Meintjes
Hello Jonathan,

This is happening because the Apache is opening the default welcome page. You need to comment out the default configuration of apache which redirects to the folder which loads the welcome page, so that it redirects to the ProcessMaker directory. If this does not work, could you please attach your Apache configuration file here so that I can have a look, and also the Virtual host configuration file where the ProcessMaker information is included.

Another solution is to change the port for your ProcessMaker installation, for example:
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost your_ip_address:8081 > 
ServerName your_processmaker_domain:8081 
DocumentRoot C:\opt\processmaker\workflow\public_html 
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php 
<Directory C:\opt\processmaker\workflow\public_html> 
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews 
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 
AllowOverride All 
Require all granted 
ExpiresActive On <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> 
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f 
RewriteRule ^.*/(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L,NC] 
ExpiresActive On 
#Deflate filter is optional. It reduces download size, but adds slightly more CPU processing: 
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html 
Then in your Apache configuration file add the following line so that Apache listens on that port:
Code: Select all
Listen 8081
Restart your apache server.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Zainab Sabunwala
Hello zainab

Thanks this has worked! okay going to run through everthing. in regards to importing my old processmaker workflow.
since id need get mysql to load the backed up database. how would i get processmaker to pick up that database? i couldnt at the time
do a backup of bitnami process maker as it kept giving an error to the directories were wrong. so i copied the entire bitnami folder.
would i need to run the old one again and somehow run a backup function but with special parameters to import it?
and ideas for installing php admin? the documentation id found was relating to a previous version so dome of the references it was
asking i needed to alter were not present.

please excuse all the questions. i was brought into this with little experience on any of this nor creating any web pages / web servers.

Best Regards
Jonathan Meintjes
it seems ive run into more problems.. im really tired as its pretty much midnight and id been on this thing most of the day.
ill attach a load of files that may be relevent. also no longer know how to get to the setup page and dunno what to do about the error.
really wish i was better at this. i hope these help and thanks for the help thus far.

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Manual installation in Windows is very hard and not necessary if you just want to use a different port number. Install Cacti and make sure that it is running correctly. Then install Bitnami ProcecessMaker and it will automatically detect that port 80 is used and select another port, which you can use for ProcessMaker. The same goes for port 3306 used by MySQL. If you install a second MySQL, then Bitnami will automatically detect that 3306 is used and select port 3307.

However, if you want to continue with the manual installation, in your httpd-vhosts.conf, you need to do this to comment it out:
Code: Select all
#<VirtualHost *:80>
#    ServerAdmin
#    DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/docs/"
#    ServerName
#    ServerAlias
#    ErrorLog "logs/"
#    CustomLog "logs/" common

#<VirtualHost *:80>
#    ServerAdmin
#    DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/docs/"
#    ServerName
#    ErrorLog "logs/"
#    CustomLog "logs/" common
Does that get rid of the error message when restarting Apache?

Your error message shows that you aren't connecting to MySQL correctly. If you already have one copy of MySQL installed, then you need to use port 3307 or some other port number. Also, you can make a backup of your workspace and import it into the other installation as long as both installations are the same version of ProcessMaker and both are Bitnami.
Hi there amosbatto

I actually ran into all this when i wanted to install this application called cacti. Since it was going to be hosted on the same server and was half reliant
on the default directories. the bitnammi stack seemed to suited towards its package and wouldn't allow me much flexibility.
my choices were then finding another stack that i could install process-maker on,then later trying to get cacti to work under that wamp stack.
or perhaps manually installing it all and then hopefully getting more flexible and possibly more use to working with this sort of stuff.
As i want to get more comfortable and be enabled to be more capable.

moving forward then. would it just be better to get a pre-made wamp stack? if yes which could you recommend that would allow me to add more
applications to it then process-maker? something with phpmyadmin preferably.(which i still have to attempt to install) ideally i want to stay away
from running bitnammi stack. its a little dirty to perhaps run 2 php services,2 mysql databases and 2 apache servers. that and not wanting to complicate
the setup(even though i understand by what im trying to do is also fairly complicated/difficult.) to let it be known. i no longer have bitnammi stack proccessmaker on this server. also only running the manual installed versions of each component. they were supported for the processmaker version I'm
trying to run as well. my goal ideally was to get off bitnammi processmaker stack. on a manual install of all components and have installed processmaker.
then after it was functional. add in Cacti. the errors on the startup of Apache server are not what concerns me. i just don't know why mysql isn't
connecting properly or is having issues. i had followed the directions as was. is my documents all okay other then regards to the vhosts with the 2
examples that could be commented out.
For your situation, a manual install is probably what you want.

I looked at your error message in httpd-vhosts.conf and I wonder if it isn't caused because you have a space in your path or some strange character.

Try adding double quotes. Change from:
Code: Select all
    <Directory C:\opt\processmaker\workflow\public_html> 
Code: Select all
    <Directory "C:\opt\processmaker\workflow\public_html">
Hi Amosbatto

So good news it seems to now be working. re install processmaker and re installed MySQL.
had to delete the registries related to MySQL and all its files . seemed to work after that.
now to install phpmyadmin. thanks everyone for you help

Best Regards
Jonathan Meintjes

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