Ask questions about installing and configuring ProcessMaker 3
By Stillwater
Hi everyone;

I have searched for the specific error the installation wizard is throwing (Connection Error: Permission Denied(13) here and come up dry.

So, in troubleshooting so far I have:

Reset the root password (and cleaned out other root accounts so that only localhost and remain.
Enabled remote login for MySQL and logged in successfully with the root MySQL account
Connected to the local client from the command line using the -h switch to connect to

Everything is set up according to the instructions on the ProcessMaker site. (even found a few typos in that process LOL)

I am stumped. MySQL is accepting connections to local users but the install wizard won't connect.
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By amosbatto
ProcessMaker and MySQL are located on the same machine?
If so, login to MySQL as the root user and issue these commands:
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD' with grant option;
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'root'@'' identified by 'PASSWORD' with grant option;
Change PASSWORD to your root password.

If that doesn't work then change to your domain or IP ADDRESS. For example, if your domain is, then use:
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'root'@'' identified by 'PASSWORD' with grant option;

Second thing to check is whether MySQL is up and running. If using Linux:
service mysql status
service mysqld status

Check if your server is listening on port 3306 (standard MySQL port):
Code: Select all
$  netstat -an | grep 3306
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
Go to another machine in your network and use nmap to check whether port 3306 is visible on your PM server. If not, you probably have set up a firewall blocking it.
Code: Select all
$ nmap -p 3306

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-02-22 13:43 BOT
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.00082s latency).
Other addresses for (not scanned):
3306/tcp filtered mysql

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.25 seconds
By carlosbpm
Hello ,

I'm facing this same issue after applying the suggested commands in mysql.

Getting this message at the installation interface: "Connection Error: Permission denied (13) "

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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By amosbatto
carlosbpm wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 9:10 am I'm facing this same issue after applying the suggested commands in mysql.

Getting this message at the installation interface: "Connection Error: Permission denied (13) "
Operating system? Version of PM? Manual install or Bitnami install? Upgrade or new install?

Post the contents of your shared/sites/workflow/db.php file.
By livier

I'm facing the same error and when I run :
Code: Select all
# netstat -an | grep 3306
tcp6       0      0 :::3306                 :::*                    LISTEN   
Processmaker and mysql are located on the same machine.
How can I fixe it please ?

I'm using centos 7 and ProcessMaker 3.3.10
I'm new with linux
Thanks in advance
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By amosbatto
Open the shared/sites/workflow/db.php file in your ProcessMaker installation. Then use the settings in that file to try to login to MySQL from the command line.

For example if your db.php file looks like this:
Code: Select all
// Processmaker configuration
  define ('DB_ADAPTER',     'mysql' );
  define ('DB_HOST',        'localhost' );
  define ('DB_NAME',        'wf_workflow' );
  define ('DB_USER',        'wf_5d2f8e59d4207' );
  define ('DB_PASS',        'gG5-cZ1_4V3bRnp' );
  define ('DB_RBAC_HOST',   'localhost' );
  define ('DB_RBAC_NAME',   'wf_workflow' );
  define ('DB_RBAC_USER',   'wf_5d2f8e59d4207' );
  define ('DB_RBAC_PASS',   'gG5-cZ1_4V3bRnp' );
  define ('DB_REPORT_HOST', 'localhost' );
  define ('DB_REPORT_NAME', 'wf_workflow' );
  define ('DB_REPORT_USER', 'wf_5d2f8e59d4207' );
  define ('DB_REPORT_PASS', 'gG5-cZ1_4V3bRnp' );
Then, in a terminal on your ProcessMaker server, enter this command:
mysql -u wf_5d2f8e59d4207 -h localhost -D wf_workflow -pgG5-cZ1_4V3bRnp
(change the parts in blue to match your configuration)

Can you login to MySQL using the configuration in your db.php file?
By zaekaleem
Stillwater wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:16 pm Hi everyone;

I have searched for the specific error the Speed Test Scrabble Word Finder Solitaire installation wizard is throwing (Connection Error: Permission Denied(13) here and come up dry.

So, in troubleshooting so far I have:

Reset the root password (and cleaned out other root accounts so that only localhost and remain.
Enabled remote login for MySQL and logged in successfully with the root MySQL account
Connected to the local client from the command line using the -h switch to connect to

Everything is set up according to the instructions on the ProcessMaker site. (even found a few typos in that process LOL)

I am stumped. MySQL is accepting connections to local users but the install wizard won't connect.
I'm facing this same issue after applying the suggested commands in mysql.
By LewisH95
Sometimes you may want to add a remote user to MySQL, you try to connect remotely but your MySQL server returns something like access denied for 'user'@'192.168. 0.10'. The most probable cause for this is that you didn't grant the host or ip address of the user permission to use the server.
By Bradlyrt
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