Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker: user interface, running cases & functionality
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By allanregistos
vpajarillo wrote:Hi,

Is it possible to re-open the case and can edit it?

You mean, the *completed* case? I think no. You have to create another case for that which is more logical than editing a completed case.
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By ashkufaraz
if you have APP_UID and Index of your application you can open it with this

Code: Select all
By vpajarillo
Where do I put the codes?
After a case has been canceled or completed, it is not possible to reopen the case from the ProcessMaker interface. However, it is possible to reopen a case by calling the Cases::ReactivateCurrentDelegation() method to reactivate the last task in the case. Then, use the Cases::updateCase() to change the case's status from "CANCELLED" or "COMPLETED" to "TO_DO", so it will reappear in the user's Inbox. If using the Enterprise Edition, it is also necessary to call the Users::refreshTotal() method to update the user's case counters, so there is one less canceled/completed case and one more inbox case.
I already created Dynaform for the grid list, Trigger for the codes and include it to the last Task Step from the tutorial but still not works. :cry:
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By groakes
Hi Amos,

I downloaded and tried running this process but got an error
The row '' in table TASK doesn't exist!

Has something changed or should I do more study...

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By amosbatto
groakes wrote:I downloaded and tried running this process but got an error
The row '' in table TASK doesn't exist!

Has something changed or should I do more study...
Greg, I haven't tested that code in a while. What version of PM are you using? Community or Enterprise?

By the way, if you want to open cancelled cases, then is recommended to use the PMFUncancelCase() function.
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By groakes
Hi Amos,

we're running 3.2.1 Community.

I need to re-open a completed case, rather than a cancelled case, so as to correct errors in the original (an earlier version of the process had a field that was non mandatory and so some earlier cases didn't have a value set and now don't appear in some reports). If there is an easier way to do that that's great.


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