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In windows server 2012 I have installed the version ( bitnami packet ) and I recieved this error from apache ( similar message in browser from class.xmlform.php line 5521) :

PHP Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for C:\\processmaker-
in C:\\processmaker-\\apps\\processmaker\\htdocs\\gulliver\\system\\class.xmlform.php on line 5521, referer: httpxxxxxxxxx/sysworkflow/el/neoclassic/cases/cases_Step?TYPE=DYNAFORM&UID=15542602557b3676d96d3f2054670082&POSITION=1&ACTION=EDIT

I found that engine/config/paths_installed.php file has the lines:
define('PATH_DATA', 'C:\processmaker-');
define('PATH_C', 'C:\processmaker-');

Also , in public_html/sysGeneric.php ( and other files ) the folder separator is "/" like:
define( 'PATH_DATA_SITE', PATH_DATA . 'sites/' . SYS_SYS . '/' );
define( 'PATH_DOCUMENT', PATH_DATA_SITE . 'files/' );
define( 'PATH_DATA_MAILTEMPLATES', PATH_DATA_SITE . 'mailTemplates/' );
define( 'PATH_DATA_PUBLIC', PATH_DATA_SITE . 'public/' );
define( 'PATH_DATA_REPORTS', PATH_DATA_SITE . 'reports/' );
define( 'PATH_DYNAFORM', PATH_DATA_SITE . 'xmlForms/' );

a similar problem I have with files:
$ofilePath = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($caseId) . PATH_SEP .'outdocs' . PATH_SEP . $oFileUid. '_'.$oMFileVer . '.' . $oFextention ;
i am correcting the path with
$oFilePath = preg_replace("/\//", "\\", $ofilePath);

I suppose I will meet similar problems in next steps.
Is there a way to correct theses problem ?

thanks in advance
If you ignore the warning messages, does PM install and work normally?

The QA team tells me that they installed the Bitnami Installer in Windows Server (not sure which version), and it should work.

I wonder if they had error_reporting set to a level to not display warnings in their php.ini file, because they should have seen this. At any rate, PHP generally has no problem dealing with slashes which are the wrong direction.

For example, on a Windows system, I have seen PHP successfully open files like:

I will test this next week. We should fix it so it doesn't generate warning messages.
If you ignore the warning messages, does PM install and work normally?
No. This is the PM error:

The error comes from commads:
$dynUID = PMFGetDynaformUID("Dynaform No3", @@PROCESS);
G::header("Location: cases_Step?TYPE=DYNAFORM&UID=$dynUID&POSITION=1&ACTION=EDIT");

But PMFGetDynaformUID function returns an array instead of a string as it is refferred in documentation:
Return value:

string: The function returns the unique ID of the Dynaform.

@@dynUID = PMFGetDynaformUID("Purchase Request Form",'75150592456d5efe4848088021942802');
The returned value stored in @@dynUID will be '81917311556d5f0d0622012054540345'.
The problem solved using $dynUID[0] variable
sorry for the inconvenience
To find the installation folder of a program using a desktop shortcut: From your desktop, right-click on the program's shortcut. Click on the Properties, and the Properties window should now be displayed. Click on the Shortcut tab, and you will find the installation path in the Target field.


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