Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker 2: user interface, running cases and functionality
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By survia
On a fresh install of ver we have restored the backup from ver Only one workspace wf_workflow is there.
There were 64 cases already in the backup. After restoring when we create a new case, it starts from case number = 1, whereas we expected it to continue and be 65.
Now we have two cases with same case number as 1.
After restore the document mentions to run the following command
./processmaker migrate-new-cases-lists - however this option "migrate-new-cases-lists" is not there. Not sure if this is anything to do with our issue.

Some posts mentioned about table SEQUENCES which holds the last Case Number. We checked and found it to have the right value (which is 64 in our setup). However new cases does not seem to take next number based on this table. On further analysis found a new table APP_SEQUENCE and looks like it is taking the case number from here. We had set the value in table APP_SEQUENCE to 64 and our new case got ID 65 as expected.

If what we found was correct this could be a problem for whoever restoring backup from earlier versions to where it will start case number from 1 after restore and could potentially cause issues.

We have limited knowledge on the internals of Procesmaker and hence someone who knows better can validate this. That will be very useful for us as well as for others.

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