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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By wts2015
first thanks all of you that interested in my problem!
the condition is this:
i have place two user in a task , then when i was using the rest api 3.0 routecase .
because of current user is not the only personal of this task the error "this case is assigned to another user" was show up.
certainly i can login pm system to make this process continue ,when the task only has one person ,i can use routecase to maker then process route to then next task.
i want to know if there is any api or function that i can call to make a certain user comfirm, in a task with complex person.
at last user i can use the routecase to maker the process go on .
any help is expect !
Hello wts2015:

You need to log in processmaker with the other user and create a new application for REST , once you got it you can route your task with the new token , i dont know if any api or funtion can log a user without it, hope this help you


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