Share ideas, ask questions, and get feedback about developing for ProcessMaker
Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.

I am developer who would like to get knowledge on Process Maker. As first step, I am doing the getting started course available in the university and I have a question that I would like to discuss with you.

I have released that there are many differents between ProcessMaker 3.0 (my installed version) and ProcessMaker 2.5.2 (course is based on this version), for instance, enable html in the dynaforms, where is this option in PM 3.0? is it something that you have left out in the new version? Is there other organization and now it is done in other way? Other example is about field types, how I could define a Yes/No select field in the new version? With PM 2.5.2 seems to be easy but I don't know the way to do it in the new version.

I feel that ProcessMaker 3.0 has been simplified if you compare it with ProcessMaker 2.5, Isn't it? I am new on PM so maybe I was wrong, but I want to be sure about it.

Thanks in adavance!
ProcessMaker 3.x is advancing the capabilities of the 2.x version. While there are some features that are either not yet supported in the 3.x version or that may have changed in the 3.x version, rest assured that we have taken them into account and will either be releasing better ways to do what was available in the 2.x version or alternative ways to accomplish what was available.

The ProcessMaker University has been updated with the latest version, you should have access to the 3.x material. If not, you can feel free to send me an email and I will happily follow up on this for you.

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