Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker 2: user interface, running cases and functionality
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By beezbaz18

I have a problem with multiple plugins installation in 2.5.2 community edition:
1) I have installed a fresh PM 2.5.2 on ubuntu 12.04 LTS
2) I have created 3 plugins: plugin1 plugin2 plugin3 (following the documentation)
Code: Select all
./gulliver new-plugin plugin-name
3) I have created the symbolic links in /opt/processmaker/workflow/engine/plugins
4) Packed each plugins into tar
5) Import the three plugins into PM

If I enable one of the three plugins I can see the plugin menu item in the HOME pane (which is fine)
If I enable 2 or 3 plugins the HOME pane is empty
plugin-problem.jpg (35.65 KiB) Viewed 15390 times
Is this a bug or is there anything that I don't see.


Beez Baz
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By liliana

You nave top create the symbolic link for each plugin created, not only the plugin folder but also the PHP file. In other words you have to create 6 symbolic links.

Let me know if this information helps you.

By beezbaz18
Yes I did!

I checked again just to be sure. I even checked the way described in the documentation (copying the files instead of symbolic links).

You can see in the screen capture that the plugin names are at the top bar but the HOME is empty. When disabeling 2 out of the three plugins in the ADMIN will show a correct HOME pane.
By beezbaz18
This is getting more complicated :-(

1) Installed three plugins
2) When all three are enabled empty HOME pane
3) Disabled 1 out of the three and the HOME pane returned with the two plugins
4) Used Firefox v32 on ubuntu and Firefox 32.01 on windows 7 64
5) Tried the same with Chrome Version 37.0.2062.120 (64-bit) on ubuntu and Chrome Version 37.0.2062.120 m on windows 7 64 and the result is an empty HOME pane with anything more than one plugin enabled.

Any suggestion?
By beezbaz18
Same characteristics but different names. Plugin1,plugin2and plugin3. On the original processmaker install I found this problem with my plug-ins, so I have created a new environment to see if this is something I did. The same problem happened on the test clean environment with those 3 plug-ins.
By lmccpedro
Hi beezbaz18,

we have more than 3 plugins and all works. We created in version 2.0.43 and we could use it on 2.5.2. All pllugins with different expected behaviors.
The truth is that we had problems with one that was working on 2.0.43 and on 2.5.2 was very problematic.
We resolved it commenting some code on functions "install()" and "setup()" in the file "<pluginname>.php", that is outside of plugin folder.

Hope it helps.
By Bosatzu
lmccpedro wrote:Hi beezbaz18,

we have more than 3 plugins and all works. We created in version 2.0.43 and we could use it on 2.5.2. All pllugins with different expected behaviors.
The truth is that we had problems with one that was working on 2.0.43 and on 2.5.2 was very problematic.
We resolved it commenting some code on functions "install()" and "setup()" in the file "<pluginname>.php", that is outside of plugin folder.

Hope it helps.

Hi! i haver the same problem now, could you help me out to fix this problem?

I saw that you commented some code on install() and setup, could you tell me which part of the code i have to commet?

I really thank you for your help
By Bosatzu
beezbaz18 wrote:Hi Liliana,

Any suggestions in order to solve the problem?
My test plugins are just the demo plugins provided by the system when using yes/yes ... when creating them.




I would like to know if you could fix this bug because i have the same problem with PM 2.8
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By amosbatto
Can you please file a bug report and attach your plugins to the bug report so the Developers can look at them and see what is happening to cause this problem. Also post your bug number here so I make sure it gets looked at.
By Bosatzu
amosbatto wrote:Bosatzu,
Can you please file a bug report and attach your plugins to the bug report so the Developers can look at them and see what is happening to cause this problem. Also post your bug number here so I make sure it gets looked at.

Hi amosbatto

I made the report, this is the link:

I made a video when you can see the bug:

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