Discussion about the internationalization and localization of ProcessMaker
By farsi
my name is Ahmad Haeri. I start the Farsi translation For Processmaker.
I'm beginner in using IT.
if any documentation (E-book) Is available please tell My where can I download?

i would like to do too. i have translated some of the terms to farsi and import the po language file to my process maker. my problem is that the process maker show these terms as blank spaces in my process maker screen :(
minooo wrote:hi,
i would like to do too. i have translated some of the terms to farsi and import the po language file to my process maker. my problem is that the process maker show these terms as blank spaces in my process maker screen :(
Hi minooo,
Email me your PO file with the Farsi translation and I will try to figure out what is wrong. My address: amos AT colosa DOT com
If you do a Farsi translation, please send it to me at amos AT colosa DOT com to include in ProcessMaker. Good luck with the translation and feel free to consult with me if you need any technical help.
well first of all thanks of your nice sharing in this thread and really Persian language is a sweet language i am also in learning process of Persian language and i am hopeful i will learn it very soon and i will be a expert in doing persian language . sorry i have no link to send you in process maker .

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