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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By nateshnp
Hi All,

Has any one developed a mobile app for process maker. As i want to do an app in arabic for process maker. The app which is available from process maker does not have arabic.

Best Regards,
By nateshnp
Process maker app has only English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Even when we set the default language in the server to Arabic from the app it will be only any of the above languages.
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By amosbatto
Yes, there are currently only 4 languages available. I can post the language file that needs to translated, if you would like translate the mobile app in another language, so it can be included in the next version of the ProcessMaker Mobile App.

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Cannot create process using templets

Real details. The problem was solved by effect!

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