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Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:45 am
by HelenG

We have updated the product from version 2.8 to 3 because our company needs the mobile version but we have some problems.
First of all from some android devices we cannot open the mobile app.
Secondly, we succeeded to access the mobile app from an Iphone but we cannot see our forms...

Have anyone has any idea fro these issues?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:48 pm
by amosbatto
Do your devices meet the minimum requirements for the ProcessMaker App? If so, please file bug reports about the Android devices which don't work correctly. It should work on the iPhone. When you say that you can't see the forms, do you mean that there is a blank space where the forms should be, or you can't open the cases, or something else?

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:32 am
by HelenG
thanks for your reply!!

My android is 5.0.2,so i think it is ok for the Processmaker App but we cannot understand where is the problem
When we try to open the forms it appears a message that says that we have to open the case from Web.
We have created all forms in version 2.8 and then we upgraded to 3.
Do you think that it is a problem?? Because we need to open the forms in mobiles..

Thanks in advance,

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:37 pm
by amosbatto
Can you post the exact message that you see, so I can search for it?

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:18 am
by HelenG
The message that we take is

"You can't do this task in the mobile edition.Please login using the web edition"


Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:09 pm
by amosbatto
The main reasons this message appears are:
1.- the task is an input or output document.
2.- the task is a script task or any other that doesn't have any form

best regards,
Pedro Teran (mobile app developer)

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:42 am
by HelenG

The problem is that the task in not an input or output document buy the task is a form....
The only reason that we believe it happens is because the mobile application supports only projects that have been created in PM 3.(that is not normal)
Could you please, confirm this ??
In case it happens that we need to create our processes to 3.

Kind regards,

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:48 pm
by amosbatto
Eleni, You are right. Classic processes from PM 2 do not work in the ProcessMaker mobile app. I just talked to the developers to confirm this. You will have to manually recreate your processes in PM 3 in order to be able to use them in the mobile app.

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:17 am
by HelenG
Thanks for your response!!!!

We started to create again the processes in PM 3.
I want just to inform you for two issues that we have noticed.
a) The mobile App does not open to all Android devices (with 5.0.2). It seems that in backend works (because we receive some notifications) but we can not see anything in frontend
b)Problem with the copy function in Trigger. There are not the buttons Save and Cancel. This is big issue for us because we cannnot copy our triggers for our processes in PM 2

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:50 pm
by amosbatto
Can you please file bug reports about these problems at
so they can get fixed. The developers have only tested the Mobile App on a limited number of devices, so they need to know what devices it doesn't work on.
Also post links to your bugs here so I can pass the links to the developers in the next bug meeting.

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:36 am
by HelenG

I have reported my issues.
The link is :
I reported on important issue that in PM 2.8 worked fine :

Today we realized that the USER_LOGGED (system variable) does not work on mobile.
I hope the Processmaker Team fix all these issues because we believe that the application is very good but the PM 3 has serious issues.

Kind regards,

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:22 pm
by amosbatto
Eleni, I post a couple questions in your bug reports. Which internal function are you calling in your trigger code for bug 20582? You might want to post your trigger code in the bug report.

For bug 20583, can you provide the exact model of the devices and the version number of the mobile app you are using?
Also, can you provide a screenshot of where the Save and Cancel buttons are missing?

Thanks, Amos Batto

Re: Mobile problems -Upgarde from version 2.8 to 3

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:31 am
by HelenG

Thanks for you help!!!
I responded to all questions.
