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I am trying upload file using angularjs and Process maker Rest API and i got following error .

var _reqObj = new Object();
_reqObj.form = "@"+filename;
_reqObj.inp_doc_uid = 'XXXXXXXXX';
_reqObj.app_doc_comment = 'Scanned ID document';
_reqObj.tas_uid = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';

var requestYmc = $http({
method: 'POST',
url: $scope.serverUrl + $scope.workspace + '/oauth2/token',
data: $scope.credentials

requestYmc.success(function (html,status) {
$scope.AccessToken = html.access_token;
var editreqf = $http({
method: "POST",
url: $scope.serverUrl + 'api/1.0/' + $scope.workspace + '/cases/' + $scope.caseId + '/input-document',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + $scope.AccessToken },
data: _reqObj
editreqf.success(function (html,status) {


ERROR: file name Doesn't Exist.

please helpme any One .

I don't think that you can upload a file with JavaScript. You can add a "submit" button and a file input to your form and then add some server-side code to send the file to PM. If you are using PHP, you can take the uploaded file from the $_FILE superglobal variable and pass it to the REST endpoint.
Hi Team,
Thank you for your response.

I have implemented the same code given by you.
Once I log into processmaker the file is being uploaded but the filename is not being correctly displayed.Instead of filename it is displaying temp name with.tmp extension.

Can you please suggest the solution


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