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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By rkiransasi
How can I claim a case via trigger? The requirement is that case will be assigned to an user/group using Self service value based assignment. If its assigned to an user, the user need not claim the case. Using trigger, i want to make the user claim it and then the user aill do his actions from the inbox.

Can you please give code examples too?
1.) Get the info of the task first
2.) Perform WSDL reassign case ... Case.28.29

As per the documentation it requires sessionId => generated using LOGIN wsdl, caseId => this is equivalent of the @@APPLICATION, delIndex=> how many task the user has been, userIdSource => user who have the case, userIdTarget => user to assign the case.

Here is my sample code
Code: Select all
//get the info of the current case 
$app_uid = @@APPLICATION;
$index = @@INDEX;
$result = executeQuery("SELECT * FROM APP_DELEGATION where APP_UID = '$app_uid' and DEL_INDEX ='$index'");
$from_user = $result[1]['USR_UID']; //this is the current user

//do you know your USR_UID of the user you are reassigning the case? if YEs then just declare the variable below else do a query
$user  = 'michael.timoteo'; //this is the user who you are going to assign
$result_user = executeQuery("SELECT * FROM rbac_users where USR_USERNAME='$user'"); //for v3 for version 2 use rb_workflow.USERS
$user_uid = $user[1]['USR_UID']; //if you already know the USR_UID then just paste the value here and comment out the $user and $result_user 
$user_password = $user[1]['USR_PASSWORD'];
$user_name = $user[1]['USR_USERNAME'];

//perform login WSDL
 $client = new SoapClient(''); //change this one
 $params = array(array('userid'=>$user_name, 'password'=>'md5:'.$user_password));
 $result = $client->__SoapCall('login', $params); 
 if ($result->status_code == 0)
    $sessionId = $result->message;
    die("Unable to connect to ProcessMaker.\nError Message: {$result->message}");
//perform reassign 
reassignCase($sessionId ,$app_uid  ,$index , 
                        $from_user, $user_uid); 
I hope this works.

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