Share ideas, ask questions, and get feedback about developing for ProcessMaker
Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
ProcessMaker offers plugins and workflow templates that are included in the Enterprise Subscription Plans.

1. Is there any limitation on a developer being able to "recreate" the same plugins/workflow templates for use with the Open Source Edition of ProcessMaker?

2. Can Pentaho Reporting be used with the Open Source Edition of ProcessMaker?

3. If there a website that compiles plugins developers have created for the Open Source Edition of ProcessMaker?

Hi kburke,

Regarding to your questions:

1. Even if our Community Edition comes with great features, some of these features were extended and used inside the Enterprise Edition, however to use the Enterprise Edition plugins you need to have the Community Edition installed. You are able to create plugins according to your necessities inside the community edition. But recreating the same plugins we have inside the Enterprise Edition in the Community Edition is not possible.

2. Pentaho plugin will be always included inside the Enterprise Edition, as I mentioned before you need to use the Community Edition and then the Enterprise Edition where this plugin comes. In brief, it is not possible to have Pentaho plugin in the Community Edition.

3. Fro the moment we don't have any website with those resources you asked, hope in the future we have the opportunity to implement this.

Thanks for the reply.

I am aware that the existing "enterprise" plugins cannot be used in the Community Edition.

1. Is there any limitation in the Community Edition that prevents a developer from developing custom "community edition" plugins that mimic some of the functionality found in the enterprise plugins?

2. Can integration with Pentaho Reports be done using the Rest API to display data from Pentaho?

3. Beyond the partners page, is there a list of recommended developers with ProcessMaker expertise?


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