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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By pereirablair

I an populating the dropdown in the grid by database connection and query in dropdown field.

i get all the values(select value,pair from TABLE)

i want to hide a specific value when form loads.

How do i go about?

blair pereira
By Adrian
i think i might have a possible solution for your question, when loading the values to the drop down box you use a query referring to your database, depending on the type of data you use to get the values you can modify the query in order to not display all the data, just the data you need excluding the result you don't want to see for example
Code: Select all
 select  SELVAL from SELTAB
           where SELVAL > 0 
this would select all the values that go higher than 0
but this one
Code: Select all
 select  SELVAL from SELTAB
           where SELVAL > 0 and  MOD(value, 2) = 1 

would get the values that are higher than 0 and the remainder in the division between 2 equals 1.

hope this is useful for you let me know if this doesn't fit your problem so i can assist you better.

By pereirablair
Hi Adrian,


Yes , you analyzed my problem right!!!

In my drop-down , i am using this query "select Status_desc,Status_desc from it_status where id<>6 "
it will list all details except with id=6
the value with id=6 contains data "REASSIGN".

My problem is that,i want to display all the details in the dropdown so i can fetch databse records accordingly containing id value=6 in view mode and i also want to restrict users from selecting value from dropdown with id=6 in edit mode.

How can i handel it in javascript.?

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