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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By tzewin
Dear all,

May I know how to set the recipient user? For example,

User A log in , after he/she finish the task. An email will sent out to the user B.

User A as a user_logged on
User B has a variable name as @@DriverName

May I know use what way?

I use PMFGetUserEmailAddress(), it didn't work anythings.

But the assigned rule, it can work

By tzewin
Code: Select all
$sRecipientTO  = userInfo(@@DriverName);

/*Composing the message using PMFgetUserEmailAddress() PM function*/
$from     = '';
$to       = $sRecipientTO['mail'];
$subject  = 'Change Checklist';
$template = 'rejected.html';

/*send using PMFSendMessage() PM function*/
PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $from, $to, '','', $subject, $template);
This is my code.
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By liliana
Hi tzewin,

I think the solution is simple, you can save the User B email in a hidden field and pass that field thorough tasks until you are in the task where you need to use that variable. Your code should be something like:
Code: Select all
/*Composing the message using PMFgetUserEmailAddress() PM function*/
$from     = '';
$to       =  @@DriverName;
$subject  = 'Change Checklist';
$template = 'rejected.html';

/*send using PMFSendMessage() PM function*/
PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $from, $to, '','', $subject, $template);

Hope this helps.

By tzewin
liliana wrote:Hi tzewin,

I think the solution is simple, you can save the User B email in a hidden field and pass that field thorough tasks until you are in the task where you need to use that variable. Your code should be something like:
Code: Select all
/*Composing the message using PMFgetUserEmailAddress() PM function*/
$from     = '';
$to       =  @@DriverName;
$subject  = 'Change Checklist';
$template = 'rejected.html';

/*send using PMFSendMessage() PM function*/
PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION, $from, $to, '','', $subject, $template);

Hope this helps.


Hi Liliana,

I had try too. I use query to get the user B email in hidden field. But still fail. It seem that, it couldn't take the email.
By pereirablair
Hi tezwin,

why don't you try using the process maker feature of notification.You wont need to write a trigger for this.If your steps and conditions are only:(Once a task is completed,a mail should be sent out to the next user),Using this process maker feature,process maker will automatically send the mail to the users or group assigned.

check this: ... ifications
this will surely help your need.

blair pereira
By tzewin
pereirablair wrote:Hi tezwin,

why don't you try using the process maker feature of notification.You wont need to write a trigger for this.If your steps and conditions are only:(Once a task is completed,a mail should be sent out to the next user),Using this process maker feature,process maker will automatically send the mail to the users or group assigned.

check this: ... ifications
this will surely help your need.

blair pereira

Hi blair,

I understand that using notification can help me out , but I using the If condition to decide whether to send the email out.

By pereirablair
Hi tezwin,

This is one of my working code.

$tkt=@@Ticket_Number;//Ticketnumber same as case number(gets the current case number)

//selecting a user from database,saved his name during transaction
$query="select Line_Manager from route_status where check_s =1 and Ticket_id=$tkt";
$output=$result[1]['Line_Manager'];//outputs username in variable $output.

//selecting userid from database based on his username from $output
$query1="select USR_UID from users where USR_USERNAME='$output'";
@@uid=$usrlogged[1]['USR_UID'];//saving userid on temporary variable using @@variablename

//instiantiating user details in processmaker function userInfo();
$usrF = userInfo(@@uid);//passing uid in userInfo();
$to = $usrF['mail'];//instiantiating to fetch mailid of user.

//if else condition wether to send mail or not.
@@uStat='Line Manager same as Current User Void Notification ';

PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION,'',$to,'','','Ticket Acknowledgement','ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.html');//processmaker funtion to send mail


Hope this is useful to you.If not explain me what you are relly want to do step by step.

blair pereira
By tzewin
pereirablair wrote:Hi tezwin,

This is one of my working code.

$tkt=@@Ticket_Number;//Ticketnumber same as case number(gets the current case number)

//selecting a user from database,saved his name during transaction
$query="select Line_Manager from route_status where check_s =1 and Ticket_id=$tkt";
$output=$result[1]['Line_Manager'];//outputs username in variable $output.

//selecting userid from database based on his username from $output
$query1="select USR_UID from users where USR_USERNAME='$output'";
@@uid=$usrlogged[1]['USR_UID'];//saving userid on temporary variable using @@variablename

//instiantiating user details in processmaker function userInfo();
$usrF = userInfo(@@uid);//passing uid in userInfo();
$to = $usrF['mail'];//instiantiating to fetch mailid of user.

//if else condition wether to send mail or not.
@@uStat='Line Manager same as Current User Void Notification ';

PMFSendMessage(@@APPLICATION,'',$to,'','','Ticket Acknowledgement','ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.html');//processmaker funtion to send mail


Hope this is useful to you.If not explain me what you are relly want to do step by step.

blair pereira
Hi blair,

Ok, I will try it out. Thanks

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