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By tzewin
Dear all,

May I know how's the case scheduler work? I have been set the task in case scheduler and also run the cron.php in Windows Scheduler Task. But it still didn't work..
Can any help me about this?

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By liliana
Hi tzewin,

Case Scheduler helps you to start cases automatically, to achieve that you need to configure the case scheduler properly, for instance, you can configure it to be executed daily (let's say 9:00 am) so if the cron is configured to be executed at 10:00 am even if your case was configured to start at 9 it will be created at 10 since at that time your cron will be executed .

Once the cron is executed your case must be created and appeared in your inbox.

Let me know if this explanation helps you.

By tzewin
liliana wrote:Hi tzewin,

Case Scheduler helps you to start cases automatically, to achieve that you need to configure the case scheduler properly, for instance, you can configure it to be executed daily (let's say 9:00 am) so if the cron is configured to be executed at 10:00 am even if your case was configured to start at 9 it will be created at 10 since at that time your cron will be executed .

Once the cron is executed your case must be created and appeared in your inbox.

Let me know if this explanation helps you.


Hi Liliana,

If I had send some trigger in the first task, when the schedular run. It also will automatic execute the trigger?

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By liliana
Triggers are not executed since they are assigned into steps and the case scheduler only starts cases it does not execute the steps in a task.
By tzewin
liliana wrote:Triggers are not executed since they are assigned into steps and the case scheduler only starts cases it does not execute the steps in a task.

Hi Liliana,

Can you detail it? I'm not clear on it..
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By liliana

The purpose of the case scheduler is to start cases not to execute what is inside the task your are starting, it means any trigger assigned in the task won't be executed.
By tzewin
liliana wrote:Sure.

The purpose of the case scheduler is to start cases not to execute what is inside the task your are starting, it means any trigger assigned in the task won't be executed.

Hi Liliana,

Ya, thanks. I understand. Erm, how about the event message? How's this work?

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