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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By pereirablair
Dear all,

i need to provide a loading gif image once the user submits the dynaform.

user is confused wether it hung or in background its loading.

i need to tell the user that the form is loading.

By Adrian
Hello i was analyzing your case and i have an advice for you instead of adding .GIF image i strongly recommend adding a javascript code that pops out with a message every time that a task is done you will save a little bit of space and the network page won't have to deal with the extra .GIF package that you will say is a very low amount but when you have a lot of transactions at the same time they become more problems for the network
hope this information is useful for you and let us know if you have anything else that we can assist you.
By pereirablair
Hi adrian,
Thanks for reviewing my case and your response.
Actually i want to implement the LOADING Progress box which is already being used in the processmaker framework.
If you can let me know how i can use this feature.Its already in Leminuid package.But i dont kno how to use it.

I have used a Loading gif image,which is called on click button in a defined browser popup using javascript and and this popup is closed on dynaform load.Since the users wonder ,since there is lag in processing the case futher,and there are tendencies that users click the submit button ample of times.
By Adrian
Hello i've been checking some documentation and information that we have in order to help you so i found out that a loading image is totally possible and there is some diferent ways to make it work.

Java script
As i have already mentioned you developing a little counter that shows dots as loading screen is an easy and fast way to solve your problem just place this javascript code in the submit button and it will pop .

As you know ProcessMaker allows you to develop your own plugins, by doing this you can let your imagination fly with this plugin so you can add any image or animation GIF that you want, please follow the next URL to develop your own plugin. ... evelopment

And there is one other thing called External Step, this external step is used into the plugins so you can call external objects to make your plugin work better, the documentation about this External Step is included in the
URL up ahead.


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