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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By hammami

i create a process on processMaker, i want that the task is open and send to the user "automatically" (for exemples 3 day). every 3 day the process is started.

how can i do that? can you help me.

By hammami
Thank you Liliana.

i create my case and it's work. but i have a simple problem, the time zoon of the Case Scheduler it's by default is NY time. but current time is Europ/Monaco

how can i fixe it.

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By liliana

You have to change timezone inside yur php.ini and env.ini file, both of them must be set in the same time zone as you requiere. Also you can go inside ADMIN (login to ProcessMaker interface) and there you have System option, inside you can change your time zone.

Do those changes and everything should work


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