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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By pereirablair
Dear Moderator/Administrator,

I have assigned the required permissions for the process and dyanform.Not understanding why the data is going missing when the users submit the dynaform and when verifying the submitted dynaforms and checking under Summary ,Data goes missing.

But if the case is COMPLETED the data is accurately viewed.
If there is any condition which restricts the summary view during TO_DO state this should be removed.

Please find attached screenshot.
This is my second POST regarding this issue.
Image Displaying missing data in grid
error2.JPG (36.09 KiB) Viewed 12569 times
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By liliana
Hi pereirablair,

I've tried to reproduce this issue without any results, this is working for me, which version of ProcessMaker are you using? also could you explain steps you are following to have your DynaForm data display in the Case summary? maybe we are skipping something.

By pereirablair
Hi Liliana,

I am using processmaker 2.5.2.
Steps Followed.
Created process from below attached.
When user starts a Case.
The case is forwarded to Different departments.(From one department to other).
But when the user checks for submitted cases the data in the grid is lost which appeard to be fetched from the database query.and only last record data can be seen.

please find attached.
Mysql Database file
(39.75 KiB) Downloaded 395 times
Processmaker 2.5.2 project
(488.99 KiB) Downloaded 376 times
By pereirablair
Hi liliana,

My case is moving around different departments from the attachment all data is missing in the grid except the last record.
The first 3 rows are populated from the database .and the date was supposed to be null but displaying some 1970-01-01.
this error is populating from the framework not the process.
i have created a temporary process to generate all submitted cases,which is awful in user acces or feasibility.
if this error can be fixed it will be great.
image showing inaccurate data.
error3.JPG (47.11 KiB) Viewed 12556 times
By pereirablair
Dear Liliana,

Please give me update about this post as i am eagerly waiting to update any changes as this step is very important in my process.
Blair Pereira
By pereirablair

Any updates on this post???

in my process,
rightclick,Dynaform to show a Ticket summary :

i select one form which acts like universal form,from the above image.

when i go to participated cases,
right click-summary-more information;

only lsat row in my grid is updated remaining data is not found.and only the data entered in the textarea can be seen .the data that was fetched by query is not viewable displays (select).

have you tried accessing the case summary when the case is in TO_DO state and grid data exists.;

require help on this .its very important.
By pereirablair
Dear Moderators,

I have raised an issue for this problem in the bug tracker .seems no one is looking into it.
Its urgent requirement and a flexibility.
By pereirablair
Dear liliana,

i have attached my process above.

its not the report,its the summary form that is not displaying data accurately.

Accessing summary :
OPEN Participated Cases
right click on the case
Under MoreInformation i am not able to view the data in the grid.find image attached.

Liliana please follow up for a workaround.
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By liliana
I mean rhe ticjet you opened in the bug tracker, anyway I'll check your process again in order to see if I can replicate it
By pereirablair
Hi liliana,

Most probably will be in terms of purchasing ProcessMaker based on V.3 using html5,REST API.....

i need to have this issue resolved so as to prove flexibility of this framework.

As a workaround i have created a process for displaying the case history.i.e (case summary).Every time the user needs to reference his case created,he hast to open the process by creating a new case OR opening it from the drafts.Which looks very tedious process.Where,this functionality is already available in case summary.

Please let be informed ASAP.

Blair Pereira.
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By liliana
Hi Blair,

I'll discuss this with our dev team and I'll let you know if this could be solved in a next release or with a simpler workaround.

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By liliana

Well, this issue couldn't be replicated in your process since you have different queries that for some reasons dropdowns do not show, we've created a similar process with no results, if you could provide us a simpler process where this issue is being replicated will be appreciated.

By pereirablair
hi liliana,

Can i send you an desktop recording of my case summary error??

i cannot upload it here...
please advice.

blair pereira
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By liliana
I've talked to the developer team about your issue, and they ask me a process where we can reproduce this, if you create a simpler process with the same structure than the original one with this issue would be really great.

We think that this issue is something in your process that's why we ask you about sending not necessary the same process but a similar of it. And if you can post it on mantis would be also good.

By pereirablair
Hi liliana,

I guess why this problem has a raised.

Please check the uploaded picture.This is the mail logs.
in the Html mail template.i have to display the grid too,since my some of my grid fields are in view mode,i assume this is the problem.and the fields are therefore displaying blank.

Please let me know if any solution.

i have also come across when,at times the data is displaying accurately and sometimes blank details like from above .

Blair Pereira
Grid fields are in View mode
error6.JPG (68.65 KiB) Viewed 12471 times
By pereirablair
Hi liliana,

i am still facing the same issue,just held up to create a similar process.
My point is,This issue still exists and untraceable since this is from the process maker framework.

is the data getting lost during form transfer????

I tried my best , but could not succeed!!!

Or is it possible to provide me a plugin to get list of all participated cases and summary of do i approach?

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