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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By mtbennett

I've found a bit of a problem with a process that I've made.
Basically, the process submits a file in the first tasks, by manual assignment, sends it to four parallel tasks.

At this point when a user that has been assigned one of these parallel tasks enters Processmaker, in the inbox the case title displaying 'department 1 approval' with the task name also displaying 'department 1 approval'.
Parallel task in inbox
1.PNG (28.51 KiB) Viewed 5327 times
However when I go into this same task, the case title (which should be saying 'department 1 approval') displays 'department 2' approval.
Parallel task - wrong case title
2.PNG (9.46 KiB) Viewed 5327 times
when I exit and go back to the inbox, it displays 'department 2 approval' in the case title, with the task title remaining at 'department 1 approval'.
Same parallel task in inbox - changed case title
3.PNG (17.08 KiB) Viewed 5327 times
This can be repeated using the same task, and it keeps switching department 1 with department 2, with no actual action inside the task. No other parallel tasks in this case had been worked on by any other user.
(These images have been edited for privacy - sorry about my poor paint skills)

I have gone over and over the case title of each task and they are static with no variables and correct (in fact exactly the same as the task titles).

Surely it should be staying as the case title in the process?

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By liliana

From where are you obtaining the case title? since ProcessMaker uses the case number unless you define a case variable to be used.

It would be great if you could send me your process to have it checked.

By mtbennett
Hi there,

Doesn't the case name in image 1.PNG come from the task's case labels 'case title' field?
Task Case titles
4.PNG (13.21 KiB) Viewed 5313 times
Unfortunately my superiors are unwilling to let me send the Process :(
Last edited by mtbennett on Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By liliana
Don't worry,

What is rare here is the fact you don't have Department 1 or Department 2 defined, you just have Department Approval, form where are you obtaining the number of the department?
By mtbennett
Sorry that's my bad, I have to edit out names of people in paint..

I have updated the image to reflect my process.

Department 2 Approval is another task (in parallel to the Department 1 Approval task) which it seems to be getting confused with.
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By liliana
I have been trying to reproduce this issue with no success maybe I missed a step, is it possible for you to replicate this issue in a new process? I only need the concept of the process and why the task title is not working fine.

By mtbennett
Hi There,

I've managed to reproduce the error on first try -
All parallel tasks seem to have the same case name (Although the case labels of all tasks are different)
Step 1 - Inbox (Parallel Tasks)
A.PNG (25.8 KiB) Viewed 5306 times
Going into first task (2.1) and case title is correct (even though in inbox it said it was 2.2)
Go into first Parallel task (2.1)
B.PNG (4.1 KiB) Viewed 5306 times
Going back to Inbox, the case labels are now 2.1 (previously 2.2)
Back to Inbox (Parallel Tasks)
C.PNG (29.2 KiB) Viewed 5306 times
Going back into the first task (2.1) and case title is incorrect (Task 2.2)
Go into first Parallel task again (2.1)
D.PNG (4.14 KiB) Viewed 5306 times
Going back into Inbox, case name are now back to Task 2.2 (previously 2.1)
Back to Inbox (Parallel Tasks)
E.PNG (26.69 KiB) Viewed 5306 times
I have attached the process for you to look :)
Test Process
(22.47 KiB) Downloaded 288 times
Thanks for all your help so far!
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By liliana
Hi mtbennett,

Thank you very much for the process. I was able to reproduce the issue, I've created my own process and execute different tests so in all the task name is taken the second one, and something really strange if you take a look at the case name in the inbox it says one name of a task, if you open a task without deriving it and then come back to the inbox you will see how cases names are switching between the first and the second one, but it never changes into the third one.

I clearly see that this is a bug, maybe cases titles has not been considered into a parallel task logic, so if you could report the issue on our bug system will be great, I'll be checking the progress of it.

For now, a solution could be not using case titles, I know that is not the best solution, if I can found another best solution I'll let you know.

Thanks again.

By beezbaz18

Any news about this bug? I have a simmilar situation on relase 2.5.2:

I have 4 parallel tasks and for each one I have defined "Case Title" as:

@#projectname - TASK NAME

When creating a new case I am getting 4 tasks with "projectname - TASK TITLE" where the TASK TITLE is the same for different tasks for 3 out of the 4 different tasks.


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