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I have problems to download my input documents in cases if the attachment is larger than 50 Mb with this message :

Page not found : http://localhost:8181/sysworkflow/en/de ... 195662&v=1

in chrome browser : Error 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): The file or directory could not be found.

in firefox : File not found

If I try with a little file it works and the upload works correctly. It is only the download that doesn't works.
My php.ini it's correct .

I have x86_64 :
PM 2.0.45

Thank you
thank you for your reply.

I put in my engine/config/env.ini memory_limit = "200M" but it doesn't works, then i changed in my public_html/sysGeneric.php from ini_set('memory_limit', $config['memory_limit']); to ini_set('memory_limit', '400M') and it works.

Why it doesn't take the env.ini variables ?

Thank you again
thanks for the reply, maybe I have not explained well, thanks to my bad English.

My php.ini has always been correct, but in my env.ini was: memory_limit = "80M", I carried it to 200M but it did not work, only going in public_html/sysGeneric.php and putting ini_set ('memory_limit ', '200M') works. Why?

Thanks again

Don't worry about your English, which version of ProcessMaker are you using, maybe this is a bug, but I'd like to confirm the issue first. Anyway, did you restart apache?, did you change the value from ProcessMaker, means by going to Admin>Settings>System? or did you change the value by going directly to the file?, maybe at some point the file is being overwritten that's why it does not respect the value.

All I need to do is change the settings in the workflow/engine/config/env.ini file with manual installs of ProcessMaker in CentOS 7, Debian in 8.5, Debian 9.5 and Ubuntu 16.04.
What version of ProcessMaker and what OS do you have? Do you have a manual or Bitnami installation?
Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff on your post. Are you not able to fix the problem with the Canon Printer? Just follow the steps which are mention on the blog to Resolve Canon Printer Error 1403 issue. Thanks!

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