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Hello all,

XML_FORM = "cases_InputdocsList.xml"

I was trying to add a small JS script , so i can be able to view the document in a panel using Ajax, without going to an other page,
but when i added the script , It did not work, and I end-up seeing the JS script like a text, just like another table row.
In other xml form it used to work normally but not in this one.
Could the problem be that this a "propeltable" form? and how can I fix it?

thanks in advance.

I found somewhere in the code that i should add "<JS type="javascript" replaceTags="1" showInTable="0">"
the last two tags as shown in order to make it work. They did make the script hidden but it did not get load for some reason.

Anyways I end-up dumping the JS script in the "onclick" event of the link, not a cool way but at least it works.
Now i'm able to fetch the image from the link and load it in a "leimnud.module.panel".

Now my problem is that the image is compressed or encrypted, most probably compressed.
if i opened it in the panel it will show scrambled data like the following:

����JFIF����������C� $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342���C 2!

but if I opened in a new window , it will open just great.

I will be looking in the javascript files to find a function to decompress it.

Any help is welcome.

thanks in advance.

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