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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By jeanlucve
Is digital sign already implemented in PM ?
And what about digital time markers ?
Is there a way to let user format their input text in Dyna Form ? (HTML editors in textarea)

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By amosbatto
jeanlucve wrote:Is digital sign already implemented in PM ?
We just implemented digital signatures for a client. If you need it now, contact our sales department for a quote. Digital signatures will be a standard feature available in the upcoming ProcessMaker Enterprise Edition (which should be released some time in the next month and a half).
jeanlucve wrote:And what about digital time markers ?
What you mean by a "Digital Time Marker"? You can use the getCurrentTime() and getCurrentDate function to get the current time and date on the server and add it as a case variable to the case (which can then be displayed in a DynaForm). If you want to convert that into a unmodifiable graphic, check out PHP's imagestring() function.
jeanlucve wrote:Is there a way to let user format their input text in Dyna Form ? (HTML editors in textarea)
No. You could probably add some code to the HTML of a DynaForm to use a third-party HTML editor.

If you need these things developed, ProcessMaker would probably be willing if you pay for the development costs.

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