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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By medveolo
Hi There,

I have a a code from the wiki page:
Code: Select all
function hiddenField()
     oAux = getField('_lister');
     hideRowById (oAux);

        alert('The field is now hidden');
getField("mybutton").onclick = hiddenField;
This is working great(texbox, listbox, single checkbox) but i cannot apply it for checkbox groups, Do you have any suggestion how to hide checkgroup?
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By amosbatto
You have to refer to one of the checkboxes in your checkgroup. For instance if your checkgroup is named "MyCheckGroup" and one of the options is named "option1", then use this JavaScript code:
Code: Select all
By medveolo
Thanks for the answer :)

Will that hide the whole checkgroup, or just a particular item? :) The main idea is that we call the group from the db, but also having the possibility for the users to hide/unhide the group since the list is long :) - they are simply lazy to scroll down, so they'd only click on the checkgroup when they need it....kinda: Hide button - unhide button.

I will try that tomorrow and give feedback :) now it's time to sleep :) Thanks again.
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By amosbatto
That will hide the entire checkgroup. If you want to hide a particular option, use the hidden() or hiddenById() function.

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