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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
Hello, i'm using ProcessMaker since 2 month, and i have a question.

In every process, i have to retrieve the user's informations, that's why i learnt how to use the triggers.
I want to know if it is possible to reuse the triggers in another process (i have around 600 process to code, and it's mean a lot of triggers to copy/past)
So if you have a trick to get back the triggers or with a different way, it could be great !

Thank's for your help !
There is no way to directly reuse triggers from different processes. You will have to manually copy and paste the code into a new trigger in each process. However, you can reuse code by creating an external file and importing it into each trigger.
Store your code in your public_html directory and then import it into your trigger with an include statement.

Here's an example:
I create a file named:
/opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html/myfunctions.php (in Linux/UNIX)
c:\Program Files\ProcessMaker\apps\processmaker\htdocs\workflow\public_html\myfunctions.php (in Windows)
With the contents:
Code: Select all
$foo = 100;
function bar()
    return $foo + $foo;
Then I can import this code into my trigger:
Code: Select all
include "http://<IP-ADDRESS>/myfunctions.php";
$x = $foo * bar();
amosbatto wrote:However, you can reuse code by creating an external file and importing it into each trigger.
Store your code in your public_html directory and then import it into your trigger with an include statement.
I have been using this approach for quite a while, and for the most part it works great.

However, it doesn't seem possible to work with case variables in an included PHP file. Trying to assign a value to one produces an error which states "syntax error, unexpected '='". I've tried using eval() with the same results.

Is there any way to work around this?
amosbatto wrote:I don't know any way to make case variables work in an included file. I doubt that it is possible, but I'll ask the PM developers on Monday.
Thank you Amos. Did you get any feedback on this from the developers?

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