Share ideas, ask questions, and get feedback about developing for ProcessMaker
Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
By JTaylor
We are looking to use the Open Source Processmaker to create a workflow system for a client. The system consists of one process that branches to different sets of tasks dependant on the values of certain variables on a particular instance/case. In other words, all cases come under one of several categories based on custom variables. We would like to do this in one of two ways:

1) Cases Submenu
Are we able to customize the Cases tab so that the submenu contains menu items that show lists/tables of cases based on these variables? These extra menu items should show the same thing as the "Todo", "Draft" etc submenu items that already exist, except the list is filtered on our custom variable/category.

For example:
- Cases have a variable "CASE_TYPE" which can have values A or B.
- We want the Cases tab to have submenu items "Type A" and "Type B".
- When you click the "Type A" sub menuitem, cases with CASE_TYPE == A are shown.

How would we go about achieving this?

2) Main Menu
Can we customize the main menu instead, to provide "Type A Cases", "Type B Cases" etc tabs in addition to the normal "Cases" tab? These extra tabs should work in the same way as the normal "Cases" tab, except only showing cases filtered on our custom variable/category.

-Jon Taylor

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