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Forum rules: Please post new questions under "Developing processes & programming" for ProcessMaker 2 or 3.
I create a new database which dedicated for our process report.
The default datasource of processmaker are 'rp', 'rbac', 'workflow'
How can I define a new datasource in the trigger ?

I created a new DATABASE CONNECTIONS from process console.
but I don't know how to use this DATABASE CONNECTION in my trigger.

Any help would be appreciated !
crazydiy wrote:I create a new database which dedicated for our process report.
The default datasource of processmaker are 'rp', 'rbac', 'workflow'
How can I define a new datasource in the trigger ?

I created a new DATABASE CONNECTIONS from process console.
but I don't know how to use this DATABASE CONNECTION in my trigger.

Any help would be appreciated !
Pass the UID of the database connection that you created as the second parameter of executeQuery(). See ... uery.28.29

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